
Trump’s Top Ten Travesties, Week Five

Trump’s Top Ten Travesties, Week 5

Welcome back to our weekly Swamp News chat! Those gators have been well fed this week! Here’s a sampling of goings-on in our nation’s capital during the last 7 days. It was a little challenging to limit the list to only 10.

  1. Sweden became the new Bowling Green. In his February 18 campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida, Delusional Donald made this statement: “You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.” What’s the problem here? Nothing had happened in Sweden, no one knew what Trump was talking about, and our “president” continues to undermine his own authority and credibility with his irresponsible ramblings.
  2. Multiple sources have reported that more taxpayer money has been spent on security for the Trump family in one month than was spent on protecting the Obamas for a year.
  3. Trump reversed President Obama’s guidance intended to protect transgender students in public schools by allowing them to use restrooms which correspond with their gender identity. Trump withdrew that protection on February 22 and designated the individual states as the appropriate agencies for setting such regulations.
  4. On Friday, February 24, the White House made the unprecedented move of barring journalists from The New York Times, CNN, the LA Times, and Politico from attending a briefing by press secretary Sean Spicer. Breitbart News was, of course, among the select groups granted admission. The New York Times’ executive editor said, “Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties.”
  5. According to an article in the February 24 Huffington Post, Trump enjoys a strong approval rating among Republicans: “While just 39 percent of all respondents in a recent Pew poll said they approved of the job Trump was doing, 84 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said they felt that way. GOP support for Trump surpasses that for George W. Bush, his father, and Ronald Reagan at similar points in their presidencies.” This is alarming not only because it’s terrifying to know we share this country with that many really deluded people but also because those really deluded people will be voting again in 2020. We have a LOT of work to do!
  6. According to an exclusive report on CNN, the White House issued a request asking the FBI to publicly deny well-documented media reports of communications between Trump’s associates and Russians known to U.S. intelligence. Although the FBI rejected the request, the fact that the request was made is yet another indication of Dictator Trump’s efforts to control information received by the public.
  7. Trump’s media attacks have escalated throughout the week, culminating in Friday’s barring of major reputable outlets from the White House briefing. Most disturbing in this ongoing war with the media is Trump’s continual use of the term “fake news.” That expression was coined as a label for “the publication of hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news with the deliberate intent to mislead. Many fake news websites originate from Russia, Macedonia, and Romania” (SemDem, The Daily Sentinel). Referring to such respected outlets as The New York Times and others as fake news delegitimizes the free press in general and undermines their ability to ensure transparency in government. This is the most dangerous thing Trump is doing.
  8. During Trump’s CPAC speech on Friday, February 24, he briefly referred to Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment, which evoked boos and chants of “Lock her up!” from his audience. Trump stood silent during the chants and resumed speaking when the chanting ceased, once again demonstrating his inability to let go of a grudge or to behave in a presidential manner.
  9. Although the angry town hall meetings which have been reported this week were not conducted by Trump, the level of outrage expressed at those meetings is the result of Trump’s actions during his first chaotic month in office and the failure of many members of congress to effectively perform their constitutional duty. According to, “Oversight of the executive branch is an important Congressional check on the President’s power and a balance against his discretion in implementing laws and making regulations.” Haven’t seen much of that going on.
  10. The ever-creepy, ever-terrifying Steve Bannon, in his CPAC speech, “stressed the importance of Trump’s moves to begin a ‘deconstruction of the administrative state’ by appointing individuals from the private sector to key economic Cabinet positions who will help strip down federal regulations.” Scared yet?

And finally, there is a new travel ban in the works which will no doubt be the centerpiece of next week’s list. According to reports, this ban will be coming soon to a news outlet near you. Of course, you may have to check out Breitbart or Fox, since your usual information source is probably on the hit list.

That’s it for this week’s Swamp News. Keep up the resistance! And let our fine Senator Rubio hear from you this week: tell him the next time he’s up for reelection, we’ll remember his statement that he didn’t hold a town hall during recess because “people get rude and stupid” at those things.

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