
Swamp Report: Nine Months In and Still No Pivot

As the weeks turn to months and each new poll shows Donald Trump’s approval ratings descending to a new record low, the realization seems to be dawning: Oh my gosh, this is who he is. There will be no magical metamorphosis into a polished, presidential leader who will grace the world stage with dignity, poise, and grace. There will never be a speech dripping with elegant rhetoric, depth, and wisdom.  There is only the angry, vindictive White House tweeter who awakens every morning to watch Fox News and tweet attacks at his enemy du jour. That cocoon which so many thought held a beautiful butterfly holds only this ugly orange caterpillar.

I’d like to say a word to my fellow citizens who are experiencing this heartbreaking reality for the first time: DUH! Does putting a cat in a cage turn it into a bird? Does putting lipstick on a pig and tying a bow around its neck make it seek a nice grassy spot under a tree instead of the mud hole? Does kissing a frog really turn it into a handsome prince? Does putting someone in a basketball uniform and letting him run onto the floor with the team turn him into LeBron James? Would my getting hired by NASA and given an impressive title turn me into a rocket scientist? No, no, no, no, and NO.

The question which begs to be answered is how on earth anyone could have been foolish enough to believe taking a spoiled rich kid, real estate developer, beauty pageant owner, reality TV star, and years-long dominator of tabloid news; giving him a venerated title; and putting him behind a historic desk would turn him into a real president. That’s the stuff of fairy tales. Those of us who live in the real world knew there would be no pivot, and now others are slowly catching up; but this late reality check comes at an exorbitant price. Our nation is in chaos, more divided than we have been at any time since the Civil War of the 1860s, and inching dangerously close to a war of apocalyptic magnitude.

So now, some members of the infamous “base” are saying, “Oh. But he said . . .” I’m not going to pretend I understand their thinking or how some could have been so slow to see what was patently obvious from the beginning or how some still haven’t caught on. It’s a little late, however, to focus on finger pointing and assigning blame. We’re in it now, and the only sane thing we can do is come together to figure out how to get out of this disaster without blowing up the planet.

Let’s look at some recent events which shouldn’t surprise anyone.

  1. Why not just begin with the media frenzy over Rex Tillerson’s reputedly calling DT a moron, or according to some sources a f&#%#g moron. Either way, most of my readers would agree the label fits. The question is why this mundane incident dominated a couple of days’ news cycles. Hasn’t everyone at one point or another either called their boss a moron or an equivalent title or at least thought it? Bear in mind that by the time this incident became every outlet’s headlines, it was no longer even news. The alleged insult was spoken at a meeting in July. Remember these campaign-trail statements? “I alone can fix it” (speaking of critical problems in our nation). “I know more about ISIS than the generals do.” “I’m very highly educated. I know words, I know the best words.” “Putin calls me brilliant.” “He [Putin] called me a genius.” Now DT is challenging Tillerson to an IQ contest. Seriously. No, really. And Mensa has offered to provide the testing. So one thing we’ve learned about DT is that he has now and has always had a delusional view of his own intelligence. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. Moving on.
  2. And speaking of intelligence, let’s just talk about the gross ignorance that has been on display since long before DT announced his candidacy for Tweeter-in-Chief. The person who seemed to learn only after Puerto Rico demanded his attention for Hurricane Maria relief that PR is a U.S. territory and its residents U.S. citizens is the very same person who during his campaign pledged his support for Article XII of our Constitution which at last count contains only 7 articles. The same person who during the campaign began calling global warming a “Chinese Hoax” in February of this year appeared to be unaware that Frederick Douglass has been dead for 122 years. For every job there is a required knowledge base, and how this deficiency was okay with his supporters defies explanation. The rest of us continue to be appalled but never surprised by evidence of his profound ignorance. He tried to show us who he is, but some thought he’d magically learn a lifetime of information in the two months of his transition from candidate to “president.”
  3. The National Anthem. Where to begin? There’s so much to say here. Skipping over the obvious facts that political protest has been a staple of American life from the beginning of our history, the right to protest formalized and protected by the First Amendment to our Constitution, and the psychological traits which guarantee that humans when challenged on their conduct will repeat and magnify that conduct, let’s look at the lunacy of the anthem brouhaha. Colin Kaepernick, one player, began kneeling during the anthem to protest police brutality against blacks. Not raising a fist, turning his back, or giving a middle-finger salute, mind you. He knelt—as people do when praying, seeking forgiveness, begging, and proposing marriage—a sign of deep reverence and humility. Ignored, this behavior would have been limited to one or two players and hardly even noticed by those of us who don’t watch football. But no, the same person who during his campaign rallied his knuckle-dragging base by discrediting John McCain’s military record and brutalizing a Gold Star family has stoked the fire again by attacking football players. While Russia investigations loom, Puerto Ricans suffer and die, families grieve the deaths of innocent gunshot victims, what does our “president” focus on? Why, football players, of course. Although white supremacists demonstrating in Charlottesville, Virginia, are “very fine people,” football players who take a knee during the anthem are “sons of bitches” who should be fired. His actions told us during his campaign that the only people who count in Trump World are those crazed “Lock her up!” chanters, but now some are surprised that he’s still catering to the chanters and tweeting insults about the rest of us. And did I mention that this defender of the flag, the military, and apple pie is a five-time draft dodger? Yeah, he told us that, too.
  4. DT is proof that mental and emotional maturity does not necessarily increase with chronological age. One would be hard-pressed to find a more immature 70-year-old in the world, much less in a position of national leadership. During the campaign, when he steadfastly refused to speak a negative word about Vladimir Putin, he told NBC’s Matt Lauer that he says nice things about Putin because Putin says nice things about him. Trump alleges that Putin called him a genius, and he likes the compliment, so he doesn’t want to jeopardize the flattery train. This month, after hearing the news that Rex Tillerson had called him a moron, he challenged Tillerson to an IQ contest. We’ve all seen these kinds of reasoning and responses among our classmates in first through third grades, but never in a presidential campaign or—God help us!—in the White House. Now that House Republicans are making public statements about 45’s unfitness and frightening recklessness, it’s tempting to say, “DUH! How did you not see this a year ago?” However, the more urgent question now is “What are you going to DO about this national emergency?” Tweeting isn’t going to save us from nuclear annihilation. Neither is recommending Trump and Senator Corker sit down and discuss their differences, Paul Ryan. Mr. Ryan needs to remove his head from the dark place and lead the House toward impeachment proceedings, though we shouldn’t expect that kind of leadership from him any time soon.
  5. DT’s recklessness is well documented. During the campaign, he incited crowds to violence, led his rabid supporters in chants of “Lock her up,” and repeatedly proposed a Muslim ban and building a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border–all without regard for the millions of lives which would be affected. Now congress critters are “shocked” by their leader’s recklessness, which Senator Bob Corker fears could precipitate World War III. DT’s tweets against North Korea and its leader Kim Jong-un should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention; his reckless disregard for wisdom, diplomacy, and sane advice has been on full display throughout his public life. No one should be shocked by juvenile tweets calling Kim “rocket man,” blustering threats of “fire and fury like the world has never seen,” and vague but ominous references to “the calm before the storm”; however, everyone should be terrified. And congressional leaders should take immediate action beyond tweeting and saying scary things in interviews. Get him out of there now! Our lives quite literally depend on it.
  6. When was the first time you noticed DT’s lack of compassion and empathy, the complete absence of those genes from his DNA? Was it when he mocked the disabled reporter? Was it when he discredited John McCain’s heroism, saying he prefers heroes who don’t get captured? Was it when he relentlessly doubled down on attacking a Gold Star family grieving the loss of their son? Was it on inauguration day when he strode up the White House steps to greet the Obamas, leaving his wife to find her own way? Fast forward to the natural and humanly orchestrated disasters of his first summer in office, and it shouldn’t be shocking at all when he offered “warm condolences” (via tweet, no less) to the grieving families of the Las Vegas shooter’s victims, as if they were someone’s 95-year-old grandma who’d passed peacefully in her sleep rather than young lives mowed down by a vicious and senseless act of violence. His criminal negligence of Puerto Rican Americans’ plight in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, his constant reminders of Puerto Rico’s debt, and his “having fun” tossing “beautiful” paper towels to the crowd gathered for his long-delayed visit should seem like perfectly normal behavior for a narcissist whose only goal in life is to soak up as much praise and adoration as he possibly can. Even Bounty, the quicker picker-upper, can’t absorb as much adulation as this guy expects and demands! How I miss President Obama’s wise, eloquent words of comfort and guidance during national crises. How I long to once again have a real president.
  7. Someone please lock up this man’s phone! Tweeting has from the beginning been the go-to mode of communication for this guy who prefers “modern-day presidential” to the more traditional presidential characteristics like knowledge, diplomacy, intelligence, gravity, and decorum. It’s so much easier to send out a 140-character zinger than to write and present a well-thought-out, intelligent, insightful speech. And one can zap out tweets sitting on the edge of the bed in one’s pj’s without all the fuss of researching, writing, practicing, and thoughtfully delivering coherent thoughts and ideas. The pivot people thought his tweeting was just a fun thing to get attention and be entertaining during the campaign but that the Oval Office would magically transform him into an FDR/Ronald Reagan/Barack Obama-style communicator. Many of the tweet haters lament his insistence on retaining twitter privileges, yet–as with everything else–they don’t DO anything. Surely there’s someone up on that hill with the authority to limit such reckless and dangerous, and juvenile, abuse of the POTUS Twitter account.
  8. Lies, lies, and more lies. Habitual lying results from a disregard for truth, for fact, and for the effects of one’s words on the hearers; it begins with lying to oneself. Self-delusion erases the dividing line between fact and fiction and makes possible the fluid crossing to whichever side of that line best suits the immediate purpose. Add in a massive dose of narcissism, and the liar believes he speaks truth into existence, that his decreeing a statement makes the statement true. The New Testament book of John declares “Your [God’s] word is truth” (17:17). The extreme narcissist, with his god complex, acts on the assumption that “my word is truth.” Our narcissist-in-chief lied his way along the campaign trail and has told well-documented lies nearly every day he has defiled the office of president, and everyone except his most hard-core base acknowledges his mendacity. Yet this simply gets added to the list of talking points which cause people to fume, sigh, or shake their heads–including those on Capitol Hill who might actually exercise their responsibility to act as a balance to keep the executive branch from overstepping its bounds.
  9. Any system of morals or ethics includes certain bedrock values and convictions which form the yardstick by which actions and attitudes are measured; they form the True North of one’s moral compass. A person whose every action and choice is governed by opportunism and self-aggrandizement clearly has no bedrock set of values, no True North. His or her moral compass is flawed or broken, and life is reduced to a series of what’s-in-this-for-me decisions. I’d wager all of us have known a person or two like that in our lifetimes, but never before have we had a president who fits the description. While the Access Hollywood tape dominated the news for days and days, the immediate assumption was that DT’s campaign was over, that no one would continue seeking the presidency with such damning personal revelations now public knowledge. Everyone remembered past scandals which caused an immediate withdrawal from candidacy or from office because even the disgraced person saw it as the decent thing to do. Hell, even Richard Nixon said he was resigning because he had to put the interests of America ahead of his personal interests! We soon learned DT has no such decency, altruism, or moral compunction. He announced there was “zero chance” of his resigning, and he didn’t resign. After swallowing that big transgression, Americans became inured to 45’s lack of morality and hardly blinked an eye when the Steele Dossier alleged he frolicked with Russian prostitutes and in a newly released tape 45 is heard recounting to Howard Stern his refusal to help an elderly man who once fell off a stage at Mar-a-Lago. No ethical or moral concern, and certainly no empathy are apparent amid the laughter–only disgust that the man bled profusely on his marble floor. Nice guy, that Trump!
  10. In one small positive note regarding this train wreck of a presidential administration, Americans’ vocabularies would now make our English teachers proud! Never in our history have so many citizens known the definitions and spellings of words such as “narcissism” and “collusion.” DT’s narcissism is so glaring and so troublesome, it’s led mental health professionals to break their self-imposed taboo on diagnosing a person with whom they’ve had no in-person consultation. Steven Buser, Leonard Cruz, Jean Shinoda Bolen, and Nancy Swift Furlotti have gone so far as to publish a book on the subject. The book was first released during the campaign, under the title A Clear and Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of Donald Trump; the title has been updated in the 2017 edition to A Clear And Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of President Trump. Had more people heeded these writers’ warnings, the update would never have been necessary. The book was published four months before the election. We were warned. Supporters had access to the truth, even though they’ve in multiple ways demonstrated their disregard for facts. We still have the facts. The only question is “What are we doing with them?”


Many times during my career, I taught the Nathaniel Hawthorne novel The Scarlet Letter, and one haunting line from that novel has been etched into my mind. Everyone remembers the story: the young, beautiful Hester Prynne stands on a scaffold wearing a bright red A (for adultery), being interrogated by the village elders intent on forcing her to reveal the name of her partner in crime/sin (one and the same in the theocracy of colonial New England). Hester steadfastly refuses, to the great relief of Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister who fathered the infant in Hester’s arms. In the crowd gathered to witness her humiliation is a face known only to Hester: her aged husband who had sent her to the New World ahead of him. Under the alias Roger Chillingworth, Mr. Prynne torments young Dimmesdale, driving Dimmesdale ultimately to his death.

The CliffsNotes summary of Chillingworth’s eventual epiphany about his relationship with Hester wraps it up succinctly:

“He does, however, see his role in her downfall. Because he married her when she was young and beautiful and then shut himself away with his books, he realizes that their marriage did not follow ‘the laws of nature.’ He could not believe she, who was so beautiful, could marry a man ‘misshapen since my birth hour.’ He deluded himself that his intellectual gifts dazzled her and she forgot his deformity. He now realizes that from the moment they met, the scarlet letter would be at the end of their path.”

“From the moment they met, the scarlet letter would be at the end of their path.” Some are finally realizing that from the moment DT descended the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy, the chaos, turmoil, and division which now exist were at the end of that path. I’m tired of chaos, turmoil, and division; I’d like to go back to my peaceful life. I don’t want to wake up every morning fearful for the future and trying to figure out what I as an individual can do today to help turn the tide. But I don’t have that luxury, and neither do you. As Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” History will remember us for what we do right now. The hammock is for later; the resistance is for now. It’s all we can do.



In the News Politics Religion

Hurricanes, Hubris, and Humanity

On Sunday, September 10, 2017, I had an orchestra-level seat for what was promised to be the most spectacular show Mother Nature has ever produced in this section of the world. Hurricane Irma—or just Irma in Florida talk—having already decimated a few islands in the Caribbean and the Florida Keys, roared toward my coast of the Florida mainland with Category 4 intensity. By the time it reached my neighborhood, it had weakened to Category 2—still enough to do major damage and, if the forecasts regarding storm surge had become reality, enough to flood every house in my community. A slight last-minute shift to the east spared us such catastrophic results. My home and my neighbors’ homes are all intact; and even though our yards look like war zones, we have much to be grateful for.

I took shelter at my oldest son’s house, which is farther inland than mine and built like a small fortress. Because of the wind direction and the shape of the house, we were able to watch all but the final, and fiercest, 20 to 30 minutes from a secure corner of his front porch. As I stood there beholding in awe giant trees blown about like small daisies and a probably 40- to 50-foot pine gradually lose its grip on the earth and finally topple to the ground, my philosophical mind reflected on the awesome power of nature and the place of human beings in the grand scheme of the universe. And I marveled that any species of creature could ever have been given to such hubris as to believe we could control those forces being unleashed before my eyes.

That spectacle affirmed for me once again that modern humans, although we arrogantly fancy ourselves the smartest creatures ever to grace Planet Earth, often live like the dumbest. We have built a world dependent on electricity and technology, oblivious to the fact that one act of Nature can plunge us right back into the primordial darkness from whence we emerged. Yet unlike our more primitive ancestors, or even some contemporaries in less “developed” countries, we are woefully under-equipped to live in such conditions. We sometimes can’t even figure out what to do when one traffic light is out at an intersection. Throughout my four days without electricity in the wake of Irma, I mechanically flipped switches in my house with one hand even while holding a flashlight in my other hand—so habitual is our dependence on humanly generated power.

In our hubris, we modern humans have considered ourselves the most powerful forces in the universe. Watching Irma’s strength up close was a graphic reminder of how weak and impotent we really are. In our hubris, we have forgotten the only power we have in the universe lies in respect for and cooperation with Nature; yet we instead live in defiance of Nature, as if we fancy ourselves more powerful than wind, fire, and water. We’re not.

Living in harmony with nature and in community with fellow humans are habits which primitive peoples practiced instinctively. We modern humans build buildings that rely on artificial climate control to be habitable, so Nature has to keep reminding us of our foolishness by periodically turning off the juices on which we depend for survival; then as soon as the crisis has passed, we revert to our old habits and take refuge in the hubristic belief that we’re in control. We’re not.

What can be learned from Irma and from her concurrent natural disasters in other parts of our country and the world?

A good place to begin is learning the difference between the word “believe” and the expression “believe in”; in other words, the difference between science and theology. “Believing in” implies choosing to believe as fact something not supported by factual evidence. Humans choose to believe in God or not believe in God; and although both groups cite evidence, little of it is factual. “Believing in” is in general a theological term; it applies to the existence of God, along with the tenets of the specific system of theology to which one ascribes. “Believing in” does not apply to scientific information.

The options for scientific data are either believing the facts as presented or disbelieving one set of facts and rebutting it with another set of facts which one considers more reliable and accurate. Citing some vague theological principle in refutation of scientific data is not an intelligent option; it is evidence of gross ignorance and irresponsibility, and such ignorance endangers our planet and the future of its human habitation.

Every natural disaster—hurricane, earthquake, flood, fire—turns on the chorus of ignorant voices proclaiming that such disasters are wake-up calls from God, because God is pissed at us for allowing gay people to get married and allowing fetal humans to be aborted. God is raining down judgment upon us for failing to follow what those people believe are God’s laws.

I agree natural disasters are wake-up calls, but what we need to wake up to is not some angry God meting out justice on disobedient human beings. What we need to wake up to is our own arrogance, selfishness, and irresponsibility. We have to wake up to the fact that, in our relationship with nature, our only control is respect.

After every disaster, those voices proclaim, “This is not the time to talk about climate change.” If not now, when? What time would you like to discuss the abundance of scientific data that tells us the results of our hubris and our reckless lifestyles? Perhaps after all of the debris piles have been cleared, the roofs replaced, and the demolished structures rebuilt? Would that be a better time to have the discussion? When Harvey and Irma are just names in the history books and recalcitrant humans have returned to their “normal” lives, Harvey and Irma just unpleasant memories—flukes which “couldn’t possibly” happen again?

Smart people called scientists have been telling us for years that natural disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity, and they’ve been telling us why: our climate is changing, and humans are a large part of the cause. Our hubristic defiance of nature has caused us to live recklessly, placing personal comfort above care for our home planet and the more than 7 billion other people with whom we share it.

Ignorant people continue to parrot the angry-God theory over the careless-humans theory, and we all suffer the consequences of that ignorance. And just a quick question to myself and others who smugly proclaim intelligent belief of scientific data: How has that belief altered the way you’re living your life? Yes, I believe what scientists say; but no, I have not done as much as I could do to educate myself on what I as an individual should be doing in response to that information.

Many of the people who scoff at climate change science scream from their soap boxes about aborted babies; yet the same science which peeks into the womb and gives us a day-by-day report of what goes on during those 40 weeks which each of us spent in utero tells us we’re in imminent danger if we don’t do something to reverse climate change. The same science that allows meteorologists to track hurricanes and predict with a fair degree of accuracy where, when, and with what intensity they will strike tells us we’re part of the cause. Science is science. Humans don’t get to cherry pick which parts to believe and which parts to dismiss. My denial or your denial does not change facts.

Humans need to adjust their theology. Not everyone will choose to believe in God, but those who do believe need to review their concept of who and what God is. If I saw God as the angry old man raining down judgment and punishment on disobedient humans, I’d probably join the ranks of unbelievers. An angry God conjuring up disasters and then dispatching them as revenge upon rebellious mortals is the stuff of mythology. God does not create hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods, tsunamis, or any other nature-gone-wild event; such things are the result of natural forces. This is God, according to my theology:

You do not send us devastating winds and floods, or make the earth to shake; but you do stand with those who know fear in the face of the storm, and those who must rebuild after devastation. You stand with the victims of this earth, whatever calamity they experience, and you send the faithful into a shattered world to extend your love, grace, mercy, and life-saving acts to all in need. God reaches into the lives of all who suffer and tells them in myriads of ways that they are not alone. (Excerpted from the Affirmation of Faith in the Covenant Presbyterian Church liturgy one week after Irma struck)

May we all have the good sense to let science be science and theology be theology and never conflate the two, and may we resolve to give more than lip service to scientific fact. Belief that does not lead to action is not belief.

The most basic lesson of disaster is that humans need to return to living in community. We have to care for those beyond our own four walls, acknowledge that the least among us are our neighbors too, and know that we’re all on this ride together. If one of us fails, we’ve all failed.

Every hurricane results in a few new tweaks to the building codes, ensuring that the most affluent among us will be more protected during the next disaster; yet those codes and standards do not apply to the shacks inhabited by the least among us—which on their best days would barely survive a hard sneeze, much less a Cat 1 hurricane. A Cat 4 or 5 would level entire communities. We know that, but what are we doing with the knowledge?

I recall hearing my grandparents talk about barn raisings and quilting bees. Neighbors gathered to help neighbors, because their generation focused on the safety of the entire community, not just that of their own families. When did our focus shift? When did our hubris lead us to believe our own lives and the lives of our immediate family members are all that matter?

An essay in an old textbook from which I taught years ago suggests the shift occurred in the 1950s, with the architectural change from front porches to backyard patios. The hubristic belief that we are self-sufficient and no longer need to rely on our neighbors caused a cocooning trend. Front porches welcomed friendly interaction among neighbors and strengthened the sense of community. Rear-facing patios sent the message: “Leave me alone. I’m not available.” That theory may or may not be accurate, but no intelligent person can deny we have become an individualistic culture, with a weak sense of responsibility for each other and, most tragically, for the least among us.

I’ve learned much this week about community. In Irma’s wake, my neighbors and I shared resources since we all spent four days without electrical power; some neighborhoods are still without power one week since the storm passed. Here in my little corner, one neighbor had a generator, so she charged my phone each morning. I have a gas stove—a rarity in Southwest Florida—and a French press, so I made coffee for her. The neighbors who evacuated to another state asked us to check their freezer and use whatever was still good but wouldn’t last until their return. On the first day, I made pot roast from the last three chuck roasts in my own freezer, since I was the only one with a functioning stove. Then each day I cooked the food from my neighbors’ freezer that was ready to be used and shared it in meal-size portions since we didn’t have the means to preserve leftovers.

Power restoration is a gradual process, one grid at a time; so as soon as a friend’s power was restored, he/she sent out messages or posted on social media welcoming those still without power to come over, cool off, use wifi, take a hot shower, wash a few clothes, or sleep in an air-conditioned guest room. Even as I planned to go to a friend’s house to spend a cool night, a plan which was changed by the welcome restoration of my own house’s electricity, I had to wonder about my human brothers and sisters who on their best days are not surrounded by the loving community that sustained my friends and me through a stressful ordeal. When the time came for my neighbors to empty their fridges of food about to go bad, we looked at each other, knowing the potentially stinky stuff we removed from our houses was sure to get really stinky in hot outdoor trash cans. But we agreed, “Oh, well, we’re all in the same boat. We’ll stink together!”

I wondered every day how different my life would be if my post-Irma circumstances were my normal state of existence and if, instead of being in the boat with everyone else, I was treading water beside the boat with few people offering to help rescue me. What must it be like to live every day in crisis mode while others have plenty? How would it feel to smell the aroma of food cooking all around me while I had little or nothing to feed my own family? What resentment would well up inside my soul if those enjoying their lives of plenty judged me lazy, completely at fault for my own poverty, and undeserving of their care and compassion?

Less than 40 miles to the east of my usually comfortable house live some of the hardest-working people I’ve ever met. Laziness is a luxury unknown to them. They labor hours every day for a pittance and live in dwellings which on their best days don’t compare to my house in its post-Irma state—not even close. In our hubris, we modern humans have built a social structure that ignores these fellow humans—our “other” neighbors—while still greedily accepting the tomatoes and other winter crops with which they keep us all supplied. We share resources with those in our own comfortable neighborhoods, but we selfishly fail to acknowledge that those Immokalee field workers are our neighbors, too. Shame on us! We can be better than this.

It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings.- Mahatma Gandhi

Above all, humans MUST acknowledge that our reckless lifestyle has dire consequences. We have to relearn the wisdom of our ancestors to live in harmony with, not defiance of, Nature. I can tell you, as a member of Irma’s audience in one of the pricey seats, Nature WILL win. Every time. Our only power against Nature’s forces lies in respecting and cooperating with it.

Often during my younger years, I heard the expression “going to bed with the chickens,” which I’m told was based on creatures’ instinctive sense of harmony with nature. When the natural lights go out, they sleep; when the lights come back on, they wake and begin their daily activities. Only humans have defied nature with our artificial lights and internal climate control that allow us to live in disregard for Earth’s natural cycle. How often we forget that our safe, comfy abodes are only one natural disaster removed from those of our most primitive ancestors! Our survival depends on sharpening our own natural instincts and reducing our dependence on Earth’s non-sustainable resources.

During the almost four days I spent without electricity after Irma passed, my cell phone was my only connection to the outside world. It was charged once a day by my neighbor who had a generator, so I kept it turned off except for a few minutes at a time when I checked for messages, to make the charge last until the next morning. My son did the same; and we shared a cyber chuckle in one text message exchange that we were turning into Grandpa—my stepfather whose cell phone is always turned off except on the rare occasions when he decides to make a call on it. Fortunately, he still has a landline, but it’s a longstanding family joke that there’s no need trying to call Grandpa on his cell phone because it won’t be on. No amount of good-natured teasing or appeals to reason over the years has persuaded him to change his ways. The phone remains off.

He and my mother were children of the Great Depression; they never developed any illusions that Earth’s resources are unlimited. They knew from the time they could tie their own shoes, every pot has a bottom, and the contents are precious and not to be squandered. My generation retained that sense to an extent, thanks to our parents’ modeling. Yet many of us failed to teach it to our children, and in our old age, we’ll reap the consequences of that failure. The world will be led by our grandchildren and great grandchildren who believe environmental responsibility means placing their plastic water bottles into the recycle bin instead of the regular trash, and who will be two to three generations removed from the generation who knew better than to put water into plastic bottles in the first place.

As Irma’s fury was being unleased in Charlotte County, Florida, my family watched from our secure viewing space egrets flying about unhindered by the fierce wind. We saw three ducks land on my son’s pond, instinctively positioning themselves to face the wind, flying away only when the giant pine tree fell and startled them. My daughter-in-law’s cat didn’t manage to make it back to the house before the storm, so she found shelter in an old pickup truck and waited for my daughter-in-law to rescue her after calm had been restored. We humans have largely lost our survival instincts; those animals are smarter than we are.

I was told yesterday that the lot surrounding the mission where I volunteer in Immokalee was fairly quickly cleared of tree debris after the storm, because the poor migrant workers took the wood—not to make giant piles for overstressed city and county collectors to eventually clear away as we’ve done in my neighborhood—but to make cooking fires to feed their families while their power was out. Those people who lead such simple lives know a little something about survival that we sophisticated, “advanced” folks would do well to learn.

If we’re to survive, humans simply have to be smarter in electing those in whose hands our collective fate will be held. Anyone who doesn’t “believe in” science should be immediately disqualified. Those who don’t live in hurricane zones do live in earthquake, tornado, flood, and fire zones. All humans live on small islands of land surrounded by vast bodies of water, which together comprise almost three-fourths of our planet’s surface. Every human is at risk of experiencing Nature’s power and fury, so none of us can afford to ignore the warnings or elect foolish people to make laws and determine policies.

Belief means action. If you believe your house is on fire, you leave as quickly as possible. You’d be a fool to sit comfortably in your recliner saying, “Yep! My house is on fire.” Yet how many of us humans are sitting in our comfy houses saying, “Yep! I believe what those scientists are saying,” while making not the slightest adjustment to our lifestyles or our politics? Belief without action is not belief. And it’s not smart!

Signing off from Irmageddon! Stay safe, fellow humans, and let’s all promise to put our heads together after this to figure out how we can live smarter and more responsibly. Now IS the time to have the conversation about climate. There may not be another opportunity.


Noncooperation with Evil

Both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have been quoted as saying, “Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.” I agree. In an essay titled “Three Ways of Meeting Oppression,” Dr. King wrote: “To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor.  . . . To accept injustice or segregation passively is to say to the oppressor that his actions are morally right. It is a way of allowing his conscience to fall asleep. At this moment the oppressed fails to be his brother’s keeper. So acquiescence—while often the easier way—is not the moral way. It is the way of the coward.”

You don’t need me to tell you that we’re living in troubled times, times when we don’t enjoy the luxury of being “non-political” or of avoiding taking a side. Silence is acceptance, and certain things should never be accepted. Racism, bigotry, white supremacy, and the violence that results from those attitudes are evil. Elie Wiesel, Auschwitz survivor, wrote: “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

The United States has a long history of human rights abuses, beginning with the enslaved Africans and the displaced Native Americans. Such abuses were so institutionalized that they were not always thought of as abuse but simply as a factual representation of the superiority of the white race and the inferiority of all other races. That hierarchy was the accepted starting point for many people; so signs denying people of color access to libraries, restaurants, and many churches and schools were widely viewed as simply logical outcomes of the basic premise that the black race was inherently inferior and undeserving of interacting as equals with people of the white race. Forcing black citizens to drink from separate water fountains and use separate restrooms as well as assigning black patrons to the rear seats of public buses made perfect sense to some.

Then in the late 1950s and early 1960s, some courageous people spoke truth to power, letting those in power know that their attitudes and policies were not acceptable. As a result, laws were passed which gave black citizens equal rights with white citizens, removed the discriminatory signs, allowed admission to previously all-white schools, and integrated churches and other public places. It seemed we had taken giant steps forward. In hindsight, however, it appears we forgot that attitudes live in hearts and minds, not in law books. The laws were changed, but hearts and minds were not. Bigotry continued to fester, fueled even more by resentment over the whites’ having lost their position of unquestioned privilege and superiority.

What happened in Charlottesville, Virginia, two days ago is the result of that festering hatred finally being unleashed anew because those currently in power have publicly condoned hatred, bigotry, and violence. David Duke, former KKK grand wizard, made this statement about the Charlottesville rally, which he attended: “This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back and that’s what we gotta do.” Donald Trump has both implicitly and explicitly condoned bigotry and violence, from encouraging rally goers during his campaign to beat up protesters and appointing known racists to high positions in his administration to his refusal to condemn white supremacy as the cause of Saturday’s violence and the deaths and injuries which resulted from it. And he is unlikely ever to denounce the alt-right—no matter what heinous things they do—since they comprise a large portion of his infamous base.

When these white nationalists (alternately known as white supremacists, the alt-right, Identarians, and race realists) say they want to “take our country back,” what do they mean? What exactly is it they’d like to see happen? According to CNN’s Ray Sanchez, who quotes Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center, “All civil rights for nonwhites would be removed. All political power would be in the hands of white people, in particular white men because this movement is an extremely male and, many would say, toxically masculine movement. They also have pretty retrograde views about what women should be doing. If anything, their vision of America’s future looks a lot like the 1600s or perhaps earlier.”

Admittedly, there’s little chance their full vision of white-dominated America will ever be realized; but that doesn’t mean they pose no threat. As long as one person dies because of their violence, as long as thousands of lives are diminished by their hatred, as long as their voices are so much as a whisper in the ears of our government officials, every American is affected; and no American should be silent.

I’ve never understood how even one person could have cast a vote to make Donald Trump “president” of the United States, and I never will understand. But okay, so let’s say they were conned. There was all of the fake news, and there was the Russian influence.  I’ve been conned a few times, so that I get. It’s humiliating to learn that you’ve been played, and no one likes to admit being made a fool. But as Martin Luther King said, accepting an unjust system (even if it’s to protect your own ego or cover your embarrassment for having been played for a fool) makes the oppressed as evil as the oppressor.

I’m willing to cut a little slack for those deceived into voting for this travesty, but the blinders are off now. Anyone still riding the Trump Train is as evil as he is; the blood on his hands is also on theirs. Trump supporters are complicit in every lie he tells, every time he humiliates our country in the face of the world, every attempt at obstructing justice, every selfish and narcissistic act, and every careless threat that increases the possibility of taking our country and the world into a devastating nuclear war. And they’re complicit in the death of Heather Heyer and the injuries of dozens of others in Charlottesville on August 12.

Noncooperation with evil requires denouncing evil by its name wherever we encounter it. It requires separating ourselves from it by refusing to participate in or be an accomplice to evil. And it means having the courage to speak truth to power. Silence is consent. In Dr. King’s words, silence makes the oppressed as evil as the oppressor; those who are silent share the guilt for everything the oppressor does. Declining to take a side is taking a side: the wrong side.

I love Thomas Paine’s writings, and I quote them often, so I’m going to quote Paine again:

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

Heather Heyer and the other counter-protesters who stood up to the armed mob in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12 deserve “the love and thanks of man and woman.” To shrink into silence and implicitly condone the hatred which killed this woman and injured many others is to dishonor our fellow humans and our country. Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots are complicit in the evil from which they shrink; and that’s true whether one’s name is Joe Average Citizen or Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan.

Speaking truth to power has never been more imperative. It is our moral responsibility and our patriotic duty. As Dr. King said, “Acquiescence—while often the easier way—is not the moral way. It is the way of the coward.” Our country doesn’t need any more cowards, but we’re in desperate need of a few heroes.










Swamp Report, Six Months In

The grave danger in a period of rapid change, like the last six months, is that the new look of things may become normal. In Washington Irving’s famous story “Rip Van Winkle,” the quirky protagonist falls asleep in the mountains and sleeps through the whole American Revolution. When he awakes and walks back into town, he is shocked at the changes which have occurred. Nothing is familiar; nothing makes sense. Yet to those who have been there every day, the new reality is normal; it makes perfect sense. Remember back in 2016 when Marco Rubio famously asked the question, “Can this country afford to have a president under investigation by the FBI? Think of the trauma that would do to this country.Well, now we have one, and lots of people are treating the situation as nothing to get excited about. The once unthinkable is now normal. A few years back, some home owners on my street painted their house such a god-awful color that the first time I saw it, I nearly wrecked my car from craning my neck and dropping my jaw. Now I don’t even see that house as I drive by. New fashion trends can be startling at first, but within a short time, they look perfectly normal and the styles they replaced look weird and dated.

Since January 20, 2017, things once shocking have become normal and to a large group of Americans even acceptable and desirable. What was once a game-changing scandal is now just a bad news day. A mere eight months ago, the thought of having a president under FBI investigation was widely seen as a disqualifier; now it’s a “meh.” Intelligent people agree that DJT must be removed from the office of president, yet that alone does not guarantee the restoration of that office to the level of respect it has always commanded. It doesn’t automatically return our country and its president to leader of the free world. The damage done to our country and our presidency will outlive Donald Trump. The day he leaves office—whether by impeachment, by the invoking of the 25th amendment, or by (loud groan!) the expiration of his term—will be a day of celebration but not a day to declare victory. Removing the cause is the first step; restoring the norms will be the harder battle.

Let’s look at how our perception of normal has changed these last 6 months.

  1. What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear the name Donald Trump? Is it “lies”? If so, you’d be among a majority of people not only in this country but throughout the world who have been stunned by the level of dishonesty coming from our White House. When was the last time a major newspaper compiled a list of a president’s lies since taking office (only 6 months ago) and the list filled a whole page? Um, I believe the answer to that question would be NEVER. Yet the New York Times marked 45’s 6-month anniversary by publishing the lengthy article titled “Trump’s Lies.” When Bill Clinton looked into the TV cameras and declared “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” and we later learned that he did in fact have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, the outrage was outrageous. Most people forgave his marital infidelity long before they forgave him for lying to the American public—if they ever forgave him for lying to them. Now we have a “president” who lies every day, and everyone knows he’s lying; but now instead of demanding his head on a platter, we spend our time psychoanalyzing him, and reputable publications face moral dilemmas about what to call the lies. It doesn’t feel right to publicly call a statement from the president by the name it deserves, a LIE; so editors agonize over what might be a more acceptable term. Some have found “falsehoods” more palatable; others have opted for “contradictory claims,” “misleading statements,” and others. Kellyanne Conway suggested “alternative facts.” But as Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” And a lie by any other name would still stink.
  2. The reluctance of the press to use the L-word when referring to a statement by the President of the United States stems, I believe, from the general disconnect that currently exists between our cultural image of presidential conduct and what we see daily taking place in this White House. Most of us have been taught that even when we find it difficult to respect a particular president, we must still respect the office. The POTUS is both our national leader and, at least during our lifetimes, the leader of the free world. Even when the person who holds that office espouses policies with which we disagree or is known to have a few private bad habits or indiscretions, we reverence the office which our founders created and defined in our Constitution. Only 44 people have held that esteemed office in the whole of our history (Grover Cleveland is counted twice in the number 45, since he is the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms). Only 44. That’s a pretty exclusive club, and we assume that those 44 people have been the best of the best, most deserving of our respect and deference—if not for their personal excellence, at least for their ability to rise to that high level. The disconnect occurs when number 44 is such a boorish, lying, malicious buffoon that he degrades not only himself but the office as well. It doesn’t feel right to say “lie” when speaking of our leader; it doesn’t feel right to say that he’s ignorant or stupid or any of the even less flattering descriptors applied to him. DJT likes to call his style “modern-day presidential,” and that’s the most frightening prospect of all: the possibility that such behavior will become the norm. We can’t let that happen!
  3. DJT has weakened our country’s status and our influence on the world stage in too many ways to count, but one of the most disturbing is his failure to distinguish between friends and foes. He has treated our adversaries as friends and our friends as adversaries. In his famous Oval Office video with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he refuses a handshake and resists even making eye contact or a friendly facial expression; but just a short time later, he is photographed in the Oval Office laughing, backslapping, and shaking hands with Russian diplomats. While refusing to say a single negative word about human rights violator extraordinaire Vladimir Putin, he viciously criticizes the American media, U.S. intelligence agencies, some of our allies, anyone who didn’t vote for him or who thinks he’s an ignoramus, Hillary Clinton (still!), former FBI Director James Comey, and most recently his own Attorney General—whom HE appointed. And that’s just the short list! We’re going to need some of these people he’s been alienating, but they may not be available because of the way he’s treated them. Nervous yet?
  4. One of the qualities that comprises our old image of what it means to be “presidential” is the ability to speak coherently, persuasively, and sometimes eloquently to American citizens and to citizens of the world. The first thing my stepfather did years ago when he signed up for an Internet account was to search for tapes of FDR’s speeches, because he remembered the eloquence and grandeur of Roosevelt’s orations. One of my most indelible images of Bill Clinton is him speaking at Coretta Scott King’s funeral. Last in the lineup of former presidents who gave tribute to Mrs. King, he stole the audience in the first 30 seconds. Without a single note (the others had pages of them), he spoke warmly and eloquently, and the audience loved him. You can like President Obama or hate him, but you can’t honestly deny the power of his rhetoric. He may very well rank at the top of the list for eloquent oratory. Now George W. Bush could butcher a word—remember “nucular” and “misunderestimated”—but he used complete sentences, finished his thoughts, and displayed at least a passable command of facts (well, WMDs excluded). Compare those examples with this from “President” Trump: “Crimea was gone during the Obama administration, and he gave, he allowed it to get away. You know, he can talk tough all he wants, in the meantime he talked tough to North Korea. And he didn’t actually. He didn’t talk tough to North Korea. You know, we have a big problem with North Korea. Big. Big, big.” And this matters because when our president speaks, he represents us all. He has made our country a laughingstock.
  5. Let’s talk about tweets. Sure, President Obama did a little tweeting during his presidency, but he did not use Twitter as a platform to attack rivals, cabinet members, the press; in fact, he didn’t attack anyone. When he had a matter of business to handle, he handled it in businesslike, professional fashion—even when it required making tough calls. He used Twitter to express condolences, for light-hearted camaraderie with friends and other national leaders, you know, the normal Twitter stuff. And he didn’t do anything that the press could describe as “a tweet storm.” Ever. Anyone looking for evidence that DJT is childish, insecure, and above all unprofessional need only look at a few tweet storms. To use his familiar tweet ending, “Sad!”
  6. Remember the last president who held campaign rallies AFTER he was elected? Yeah, me neither. The frequency with which the media uses the word “unprecedented” is, well, unprecedented. And on that list of things we’ve never seen a president do before is continue to act like a candidate: holding rallies/aka love fests and catering only to his supporters—everyone else be damned. At this point, no one should be surprised by the extent of DJT’s ignorance; but really, it’s kind of a basic principle that presidents are supposed to serve all of the citizens of their countries, not just those who voted for them or attend rallies to chant their names. The thing that IS still shocking is the fact that DJT gets away with all of this because the Republican party has become too impotent and/or self-serving to set limits and hold him to account for his behavior.
  7. Presidents are always criticized; it comes with the job, and most presidents realize ahead of time that a lot of scrutiny is coming their way and prepare their strategy for handling the harsh things they’ll hear about themselves. As human beings, they’re not immune to being deeply hurt by people’s unkind remarks and even by deserved criticism; but the other 43 men who have held the office of POTUS have been adult enough to express their pain in private and for the most part to resist lashing out at their critics or publicly whining about how unfairly they’re being treated. Never in the 241-year history of our republic have we had a president depicted by cartoonists around the world wearing diapers and using a pacifier; never has the world referred to our president as a man baby. That is, never until we elected a man baby. Never have we had a president whose philosophy for handling criticism is when you’re hit, hit back 10 times harder. That’s a schoolyard strategy and has no place in the office of president. Sadly, however, the schoolyard has moved inside the White House.
  8. Also unprecedented for a president is DJT’s complex financial issues. His adamant refusal to allow the public to look at his tax returns—something every other president has done for the last 40 years—should be evidence enough that he has plenty to hide. People who have nothing to hide don’t hide things; they welcome scrutiny as an opportunity to prove their honesty and integrity. No other president has ever had to pay out a huge sum of money to resolve fraud charges immediately before taking office or refused to divest from his businesses or panicked when a special counsel appeared to be heading toward investigating his family’s finances. No other president has so blatantly defied the Emoluments Clause of our Constitution. No other president has entered office with as much financial baggage or as much evidence in public record of his previous monetary dealings with a foreign adversary. Yet the Republican response to all of this is just another “Meh.”
  9. I’m going to quote Stephen Collinson of CNN on Trump’s abuse of power, because I can’t say it nearly as well as he has: “During his six months in power, Trump has made few concessions to the conventions and protocol of an office shaped by his predecessors for more than two centuries. Though his voice now carries the resonance of a head of state, he’s more often adopted the impulsive boss’ persona that made him a flamboyant Manhattan real estate magnate and star of ‘The Apprentice.’ Now, a series of extraordinary comments and incidents [in the New York Times interview] are raising questions about whether the commander in chief has thought deeply about the institutional curbs on the power of his office, or the duties he owes as President to the rule of law, the public and to the conduct of good governance. . . . It is often difficult to be sure whether the President is pursuing a deliberate strategy to stretch his powers or is simply unfamiliar with their limits.” Yeah, I guess to be familiar with their limits, he’d have had to read the Constitution at least once; and it’s hard to read on a golf course.
  10. Decorum. It’s a somewhat old-fashioned word, but I think it expresses what most of us expect from a person in a position of leadership. Here’s the definition from “dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.; exhibiting . . . dignified propriety, orderliness, regularity; . . . an observance or requirement of polite society.” President Obama oozed decorum; even President George W Bush knew how to exhibit some class and propriety. Neither of those two gentlemen surrounded himself with people who look and act like thugs and mobsters. Neither of them ogled other presidents’ wives and women attending Oval Office meetings and commented on their beauty or physical fitness. Neither of them sulked in his chair when Angela Merkel asked for a handshake. Neither tweeted attacks against critics. Possibly the biggest reason DJT sought the office of president in the first place is to overcome his lifelong feelings of rejection by “polite society” since he springs from a long line of opportunists and fast-wheeling businessmen. Sorry, Donald, but money doesn’t buy class. I miss having a president with class. I think the lack of decorum is the number-one thing that can’t be allowed to become normal for the presidency. Presidents represent us all, and they should do it with propriety; we deserve it.


I grew up believing that evil is never the final outcome, that it’s never irreversible. I’ve always believed that good can triumph over evil. Sometimes it doesn’t, but it always CAN. Now I and my fellow American citizens find ourselves for the six months past as well as the foreseeable future at the mercy of what seems to be an unconquerable evil—a horror movie, the twilight zone, an old western in which the good guy never shows up and the bad guys get away with unthinkable wrong. I’ve always believed that good, decent people—though our opinions differ on policies, methods, personal preferences—share core values which stem from our common heritage. Yet today we are so deeply divided that we can’t even agree on who our enemies are or on how a president should conduct himself or herself. I’ve always believed that Christians, though they belong to very different denominations and disagree on matters of doctrine and polity, jointly stood for goodness, love, compassion, decency, and a high standard of morality. Now many who claim that label think of a racist, misogynistic, crotch-grabbing adulterer as their “dream president.”

The question “Where’s the outrage?” comes to mind, but in reality there’s plenty of outrage all around. The problem is we’re not even outraged by the same things any more. More to the point are the questions “Where are the adults?” and “Where are the good guys?” Congress is as corrupt as the president is, so we can’t expect them to rescue our democracy from destruction. As I’ve said before, we’re like the alcoholics’ children who are being forced to grow up fast and take charge of the house because our leadership and authority figures are too distracted by their own addictions and corruption to do their jobs. In short, we’re the adults; we’re the good guys. We have to keep showing up. Action is exhausting, but the price of inaction is too high. We’re in this together, and we’re in it for the long haul. Keep up your strength and your resolve, and keep your friends close. We need each other.



Swamp Report, Week 20

For those of us old enough to remember Watergate, Week 20 has been Déjà vu. Experiences such as Watergate and Russiagate are painful and exhausting. They remind us of how precious our democracy is and yet how fragile; how comfortable yet how very messy. I believe I’ve quoted Thomas Paine in this report before, but I’d like to repeat: “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.” Freedom is indeed precious and well worth our most ardent efforts, but it’s also pricey.  Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address at a Civil War battlefield, a portion of which was being dedicated as a monument to those who had paid the ultimate price to preserve our union. After commenting on their sacrifice, he challenged his audience:

“It is for us the living . . . to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is . . . for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”

Our nation is divided again, perhaps more deeply than it has been since the Civil War. Our divisions are no longer North vs. South, slavery vs. emancipation; today we’re divided on what it means to be American, what values should guide our country, who we want to be as a people, and who should be allowed to share in the privileges which our ancestors have purchased for us at such enormous expense. Our greatest challenge is finding those values which define us not as Democrats and Republicans but as Americans and then learning to make those American values the bedrock that unifies rather than divides us.  My recommendation for “us the living” is that we all memorize Lincoln’s words and make them the mantra that guides our navigation of these difficult waters.

Here are the highlights of Week 20.

  1. For the second time in less than two weeks, England was struck by tragedy on Saturday, June 3, when a car plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge. In what is now known to be a terror attack, the perpetrators “then rushed to the nearby Borough Market, where they ditched their vehicle and began stabbing people in the area” (HuffPost). Eight people were killed and dozens more injured in the attack, the sort of event which would usually inspire an outpouring of sympathy and support from other national leaders. Since the USA, however, is not currently in a business-as-usual mode, our “president” expressed his feelings in his own unique way: he tweeted insults toward the London mayor and used the occasion as a political opportunity to once again plug his derailed travel ban and to ridicule gun-control debates. In one tweet, 45 wrote, “Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That’s because they used knives and a truck!” In another, he said, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!” Most offensive and embarrassing of all is this one responding to his out-of-context version of the mayor’s remarks to the people of London: “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!” Anyone with a third-grade reading level would have known the mayor was reassuring Londoners to remain calm in the face of extra police presence, not telling them the attack was no big deal. Perhaps next presidential election, candidates should be required to pass a basic literacy test.
  2. In the latest episode of the Reality TV show “Presidenting for Fame and Profit,” the Trump family announced this week a new business venture—adding to, you know, all those other businesses from which they’ve not divested. Since a large contingent of DT’s adoring base could never afford a night in any of the Trump luxury hotels, and since he wants to keep his faithful followers faithful, smiling, and voting, his organization announced on Monday, June 5—according to the New York Times—that they’ll soon be rolling out a three-star hotel chain, called American Idea, in some Trump-friendly areas. (Oh, but this is NOT political, mind you!) The observation on the campaign trail was that lower-priced hotels were pretty generic, different only in the names on their lighted signs. The Trump family plans to set their properties apart by using a kitschy Americana theme, “featuring artifacts of American culture,” such as old Coca-Cola machines. By rebranding existing properties such as Holiday Inns and Comfort Inns, the Trump Organization will be lighting up their first signs pretty quickly; so keep your eyes open on your summer road trip. Personally, I’d rather sleep in my car!
  3. I can’t recall in my lifetime a president who has consistently been referred to as angry, seething, enraged, infuriated, shouting, cursing, fuming, and other descriptors indicating a volatile temper and unstable mind. Leaving 45’s mental condition to the professionals, I find it disturbing to think that our government is being run by someone with no impulse control and not enough self-awareness to reflect honestly on his own mistakes. Because of his inability to face himself and to accept responsibility for his actions, we’ve become well accustomed to his habit of blaming anyone and everyone else when things go wrong—which they do on a daily basis. Multiple reports have stated that Trump was and is enraged at his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself from the investigation in Russia’s meddling in our 2016 election. According to Trump, it was Sessions’ recusal that led to the appointment of the special counsel to take over the investigation. The Washington Post reports, “He has intermittently fumed for months over Mr. Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s election, according to people close to Mr. Trump who insisted on anonymity to describe internal conversations.” Poor Donald! It’s so hard to be a narcissist when the whole world is watching and expects you to act like a normal president.
  4. Donald Trump is not known for his charitable spirit; in fact, he has often been called the least charitable wealthy person in the world. We learned during the campaign last year that the Trump Foundation had been using charitable donations to pay DT’s numerous legal fees and to cover a few personal purchases such as two large portraits of Mr. Narcissist himself and a souvenir football helmet signed by Tim Tebow. This week, we learned that Eric Trump’s charities have been funneling money donated to fight childhood cancer into Trump enterprises. Forbes reported that Eric has hosted an annual one-day golf tournament for the last ten years. Since the event is held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, Eric has always claimed that since it’s a family biz, there are no overhead costs and 100% of the money donated goes to St. Jude’s to help fund children’s cancer research. The problem is, big surprise, that isn’t true. In fact, Eric’s daddy insisted on billing the Eric Trump Foundation for the use of the facilities, which means the Trump Organization benefited richly from this pretentious charity event. As the Mimi of a childhood cancer patient, I find this personally offensive!
  5. On Wednesday of this week, NSA Director Mike Rogers and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and, according to Politico, “repeatedly stonewalled when asked about news reports that Trump asked each of them to downplay or refute the FBI’s probe, which is examining whether Trump’s associates colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.” Although it’s been widely reported that Trump tried to pressure both of these men to influence James Comey to drop the Russia investigation, neither would admit to any such pressure. Yet many feel that they revealed more by their silence than by the words they spoke. Their testimonies left the committee members dissatisfied, a little miffed, and determined to meet these men again for some straight answers.
  6. Meanwhile, back at the Senate, while the special committee was questioning witnesses, Mitch McConnell—grateful for the distraction—was making profitable use of his free time by holding closed-door sessions to create a Senate version of the health-care bill which he plans to fast-track through to a vote in the near future. There’s only one thing Mr. Turtlehead forgot: to let the Democrats in on the content of the bill. Oops! Well, he didn’t really forget, obviously. Here’s what the Washington Examiner reported: “Democrats have taken issue with Republicans for not holding a hearing on the Senate version of the American Health Care Act. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., called out Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, when he said Democrats were welcome to offer ideas and suggestions for the legislation. ‘When you are saying that you inviting us, for what? We don’t even know. We have no idea what is being proposed,’ McCaskill replied.” Well, isn’t that special?
  7. On Wednesday, the former director of US national intelligence, James Clapper, spoke to Australia’s National Press Club. According to The Guardian’s report, Mr. Clapper, when asked to compare the Trump-Russia investigation with Watergate, responded, “I think you compare the two, that Watergate pales, really, in my view, compared to what we’re confronting now.” Clapper also called Trump’s interactions with Russia “very problematic,” called Trump’s firing of Jim Comey “egregious and inexcusable,” and said that it is “absolutely crucial for the United States, and for that matter for the world, for this presidency, for the Republicans, for the Democrats and for the nation at large, that we get to the bottom of this.” I agree on all points.
  8. Lordy, what a day we had on Thursday! With possibly the largest TV audience for a political hearing since Watergate, James Comey stepped into the Senate Intelligence Committee chamber at 10 a.m. Eastern time on Thursday and swore to tell nothing but the truth about his interactions with Donald Trump. Under oath, Mr. Comey called our “president” a liar, testified that from his very first conversation with DT his gut instinct told him this is a person who can’t be trusted, and unequivocally stated that Russia’s influence in our election was real. Here are his words: “There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever. The Russians interfered in our election in the 2016 cycle. They did it with purpose, they did it with sophistication, they did it with overwhelming technical efforts, and it was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.” One of the most notable points of Mr. Comey’s testimony is what it tells us about his reputation. Republicans and Democrats both questioned some of his decisions, but no one questions his integrity. Most of his questioners prefaced their conversations with him by highly commending his integrity and devotion to his country and to his job. Everyone reading this report, as well as the person writing it, has had moments of intense frustration with James Comey and might have fired him ourselves when eleven days before the election he felt compelled to reveal some newly discovered emails from Hillary Clinton’s aide’s ex-husband—a decision which played a large role in throwing the election toward 45. Yet Mr. Comey’s overall reputation as a person of integrity and honor will play a crucial role in this he-said/he-said situation that’s going to determine the future of our republic.
  9. There’s been no praise for Donald Trump’s attorney since he made his botched response to James Comey’s testimony. After Robert Mueller was appointed special investigator into the Russia probe and DT was advised to lawyer up, his team began seeking counsel to represent 45 in the long legal battle he faces. Problem is, no one wants to work for him, and the top two reasons given are his reputation for not listening to advice and for not paying those he hires to work for him. Those reasons, along with the potential damage to a legitimate firm’s reputation from being associated with the mob boss, DT, have left Trump and Company in dire straits, with only old friend Marc Kasowitz willing to accept the gig. Mr. Kasowitz, who bills himself on his website as the baddest badass, has a long-standing relationship with DT: “Trump has turned to Kasowitz for matters that include debt restructuring and suing an author who Trump said undercounted his net worth.” In the New York subculture that produced DT, Kasowitz is a star; but in Washington DC political circles, he is outclassed and incompetent. But hey, when he’s all you can get, what’s a prez to do? Kasowitz called James Comey a liar and stated his intention to file a complaint against Comey on Monday of the upcoming week. Comey made his statements under oath, which means Kasowitz has accused Comey of perjury, which is a felony. Mr. Kasowitz seems no more judicious in his public statements than his boss is.
  10. And the trophy for most pathetic, disgusting statement of the week goes to our own Speaker of the House Paul Ryan! The Washington Post reports this statement from Ryan following James Comey’s testimony on Thursday: “’People now realize why the president is so frustrated when the FBI director tells him on three different occasions he is not under investigation, yet the speculation swirls around the political system that he is — that’s frustrating,’ Ryan said. He added: ‘I would just say that of course there needs to be a degree of independence between [the Department of Justice], FBI and the White House and a line of communications established. The president’s new at this. He’s new to government, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.’” Nice try! However, the presidency of the United States is NO place for on-the-job training! This so-called “president” is not only unfamiliar with protocols but is uninclined to become familiar with them. That’s not an excuse; it’s an indictment.


I close my 20th Swamp Report with the words of James Comey, excerpted from his Thursday testimony before the Senate intelligence committee. Nothing I can write would be as timely, as eloquent, as powerful, or as impassioned as these words:

“The reason this is such a big deal is, we have this big messy wonderful country where we fight with each other all the time. But nobody tells us what to think, what to fight about, what to vote for except other Americans. And that’s wonderful and often painful. But we’re talking about a foreign government that using technical intrusion, lots of other methods, tried to shape the way we think, we vote, we act. That is a big deal. And people need to recognize it. It’s not about Republicans or Democrats. They’re coming after America, which I hope we all love equally. They want to undermine our credibility in the face the world. They think that this great experiment of ours is a threat to them. So they’re going to try to run it down and dirty it up as much as possible. That’s what this is about and they will be back. Because we remain — as difficult as we can be with each other — we remain that shining city on the hill. And they don’t like it.”

We cannot, we must not squander our precious heritage purchased at such great cost. We must keep this city on the hill shining for our children and our children’s children! It’s not a choice. It’s a sacred duty.



Swamp Report, Week 19 (Formerly Trump’s Top Ten Travesties)

New series name; same weekly summary

This week’s tension was broken by a bit of levity as the world laughed, joked, and made memes about the meaning of “covfefe,” from Donald Trump’s late-Tuesday-night tweet, which circulated in the twitterverse until Wednesday morning when someone finally saw and deleted it. The incomplete tweet, “Despite the negative press covfefe,” was obviously going to be a criticism of DT’s favorite target, the press; it seems simple enough to figure out that “covfefe” was meant to be “coverage”; and the unfinished thought, typed late at night, would seem to indicate that the typist dozed off mid-sentence. Nothing sinister here; well, except for the intended attack on the press. Dozing off late at night in the middle of watching a movie, grading papers, or tweeting is a pretty human thing to do. Hitting the wrong keys, especially on a tiny iPhone keyboard, is equally common; and sending out an embarrassing auto-correct version of one’s thoughts—well, none of us want to be reminded of the times we’ve done that. So the question which begs to be answered here is “Why not just admit it?” Why not say, “I was tweeting, and I fell asleep—haha”? That would be the normal thing to do; but since no one can accuse anyone in the DT administration of being normal, sycophant-in-chief Sean Spicer explained to the press (with a straight face!): “The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.” Spicer’s statement, to me, sums up the depth of dishonesty embodied in this administration. The inability to admit even the most trivial error, the need to turn a simple mistake into something important and symbolic, and the constant challenge to intelligent people’s reason by telling lies so transparent that none can give them a moment’s consideration is corruption at its most profound. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Polonius sees his son Laertes off on a long journey with some fatherly advice that culminates in this line: “This above all—to thine own self be true,/And it must follow, as the night the day,/Thou canst not then be false to any man.” In 2017, we’d say, “Here’s the most important thing: If you’re honest with yourself first, you can’t be dishonest with anyone else.” I would argue that if a statement is true, its opposite is also true. In this case, that would mean that if one is dishonest with oneself, it’s not possible for that person to be honest with anyone else. And that, friends, sums up the integrity problem at the core of this nightmare administration: the leader is so self-deluded that truth is non-existent except in the moment, in whatever serves his need and his ego at any given time. To be at the mercy of such a morally decadent person is terrifying.

Here’s a snapshot of the week.

  1. With the Trump-Russia scandal at the center of the news for what looks like a long time to come, we have begun to pin our hopes each day on some promising announcement that the truth is being discovered and justice will eventually be done. This week’s good news is that James Comey has been scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, June 8. This portion of Comey’s testimony will be public and is expected to center on the question of whether 45 attempted to persuade Comey to drop his investigation of Michael Flynn. Since 45’s doing so would constitute obstruction of justice, an impeachable offense, the world will be waiting to hear Mr. Comey’s answers to those questions. Although we will probably hear a great deal about Comey’s extemporaneous memos recording 45’s alleged attempts to influence the investigation into Flynn, much of the information which Mr. Comey can share will no doubt be reserved for closed-door sessions with the Senate committee and others.
  2. Attorney General Jeff Sessions claimed his share of the spotlight this week, again. A CNN article reminds us of Sessions’ statement during his confirmation hearing on January 10 that he “’did not have any communications with the Russians’ during the campaign. He also said in a written statement submitted to the Senate judiciary committee that he was not in contact with anyone linked to the Russian government during the election.” Sessions has repeatedly denied having had any inappropriate contact with Russian officials, and he failed to report any meetings with Russians on his security forms filed when being vetted for the AG position. In March, however, we learned that he actually had two meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak; and this week we learned there is a potential third meeting which Mr. Sessions apparently “forgot about” when filling out those pesky security forms. Investigators are looking at evidence of an alleged meeting between Sessions and Kislyak, this one on April 27, 2016, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, where Trump was making a campaign speech. I guess when your boss is a serial liar, truth becomes whatever you want it to be. Facts be damned!
  3. After last week’s defeat in a federal appeals court of Richmond, Virginia, which issued a 10-3 decision to uphold the block on 45’s travel ban, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is taking the case all the way to the SCOTUS. Since DT’s only hope for sustaining his political power is to keep his base of deplorables happy, it seems he’ll do anything—including fighting for his travel ban and damning the planet by withdrawing from the Paris Accord—to bolster his ego and keep himself politically afloat. It’s all about him!
  4. On Wednesday of this week, 45 issued a dozen or so ethics waivers which have caused quite a stir. Ethics waivers are apparently intended to allow specific government officials to do specific things which would otherwise be forbidden by ethics laws. It’s not uncommon for these waivers to be granted; but there are, of course, rules and guidelines governing to whom and for what they can be issued. No one should be surprised to learn that DT did not follow those rules or guidelines. Two particular points of concern are the facts that a number of the waivers made public on Wednesday do not include dates, making it impossible to prove when they were issued or went into effect; and some appear to have been issued retroactively, to cover violations already committed. Walter M Shaub Jr., director of the Office of Government Ethics, provided the voice of reason: “If you need a retroactive waiver, you have violated a rule.” Richard W. Painter, White House ethics lawyer under GWB, puts it more pointedly: “The only retroactive waiver I have ever heard of is called a pardon.” It should go without saying that the White House employee to benefit most from these waivers is Steve Bannon, who has violated ethics restrictions by continuing his communications with his old employer, the alt-right Breitbart News. Voila! Now all of those chats with Breitbart editors are okey dokey! What’s next? Waivers for meetings with Russian officials?
  5. Subpoenas have been flying around our nation’s capital this week, as both House and Senate intelligence committees as well as the special prosecutor continue their investigation of Russian election meddling and possible collusion by the Trump campaign. On Wednesday, the House committee approved subpoenas for Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who as we all know has so far not been cooperative. According to the HuffPost, “The committee also approved subpoenas seeking information on requests made by former Obama administration officials to unmask the names of individuals mentioned in classified surveillance reports, the Wall Street Journal reported. The subpoenas reportedly focus on requests made by former national security adviser Susan Rice, former CIA Director John Brennan and former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power.”
  6. In the made-for-reality-tv climax of the week, on Thursday, 45 dramatically announced from the White House Rose Garden that he is pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Seemingly struggling to read his prepared script, which he appeared to be seeing for the first time, Trump “said the landmark 2015 pact imposed wildly unfair environmental standards on American businesses and workers . . . and vowed to stand with the United States against what he called a ‘draconian’ international deal” (New York Times). Draconian? Anyone who’s gritted their teeth through a Trump “speech” knows that’s not a Trump word! Not to worry, though; this decision places us in great company. We’re now in an exclusive group of only three countries who do not participate in the accord; the other two are Syria, which is a bit distracted right now with their civil war, and Nicaragua, who declined to participate because the agreement didn’t go far enough to suit them. But lest anyone should think our esteemed “president” made this decision unadvisedly, fear not! After agonizing over the impact of his momentous choice, before making the public announcement, 45 made a last-minute call to Kimberly Guilfoyle. And who is Kimberly Guilfoyle? you ask. Is she a renowned scientist? No. Is she a climate expert? No. An energy expert? A local politician? No and no. Ms. Guilfoyle is co-host of a FOX News show. Yeah. That’s where 45 goes when he needs expert advice. He did say that he’d consider re-entering after he can renegotiate the agreement; but other leaders were quick to point out that the accord is irreversible—no renegotiation allowed—and that our withdrawal will take several years to be effective. The earliest we can officially leave the agreement is 2020-2021, which means there may yet be hope, because we should have a new president by then. The other leaders also threw in for good measure that our current “president” is an idiot. But that’s not news.
  7. In the aftermath of 45’s ignorant and selfish decision to withdraw from the Paris accord, we see once again the indomitable spirit that has made this country what it is. When there’s a leadership void, citizens step up to fill that void and to keep our finest values and priorities alive. In the Rose Garden melodrama, DT declared, “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” The problem is that . . . well  . . .  Pittsburgh doesn’t want him.  Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto immediately responded with a tweet: “As the Mayor of Pittsburgh, I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris agreement for our people, our economy & future.” Nationwide, 83 mayors have so far vowed to honor the agreement; and they’ve been joined by governors, business leaders, and university presidents. That’s the spirit of the America that has always been great and didn’t need no stinkin’ orange conman to make it great again!
  8. David Gergen, whom I deeply admire for his astute and rational political commentary, called Trump’s action in withdrawing from the Paris accord “grotesquely irresponsible.” He explained, “Seventy years ago the United States entered an international agreement called the Marshall Plan, when we came to the aid of Europe, and it was one of the noblest acts in human history. Today we have walked away from the rest of the world, and it is one of the most shameful acts in our history. I think it will be widely seen around the world as a terrible, terrible setback for the planet. We represent as a country four percent of the world’s population, but we represent about a third of all the excess carbon dioxide that is now warming the planet. We are the largest contributor to carbon dioxide in the world, and…as this carbon dioxide threatens the future of our grandchildren, for us to walk away from that is grotesquely irresponsible. It is also true that the nations that are going to pay the greatest price for global warming are the poor nations of the world, and they have contributed the least to global warming. We have contributed the most. For us to walk away from that is immoral.” All I can say is “AMEN!”
  9. Trump’s first trip abroad as the United States’ representative to the world—I can’t believe I’m even saying that!—is being called historic, but not for any reason we can be proud of. Among other results, the trip has left European heads of state frustrated, disappointed, and angry. Germany’s Angela Merkel declared this week that her country’s days of depending on the U.S.A. are “over to a certain extent” and that her country, along with other European nations, “really must take our fate into our own hands.” Most heartbreaking of all is that our president is no longer hailed as “leader of the free world.” That title now goes, according to most analysts, either to Angela Merkel or to a triumvirate of Germany’s Merkel, France’s Macron, and Canada’s Trudeau. My God! What have we done?
  10. I close with an excerpt from an excellent article published this week by Rebecca Solnit, called “The Loneliness of Donald Trump”:

“The American buffoon’s commands were disobeyed, his secrets leaked at such a rate his office resembled the fountains at Versailles or maybe just a sieve (this spring there was an extraordinary piece in the Washington Post with thirty anonymous sources), his agenda was undermined even by a minority party that was not supposed to have much in the way of power, the judiciary kept suspending his executive orders, and scandals erupted like boils and sores. Instead of the dictator of the little demimondes of beauty pageants, casinos, luxury condominiums, fake universities offering fake educations with real debt, fake reality tv in which he was master of the fake fate of others, an arbiter of all worth and meaning, he became fortune’s fool. He is, of this writing, the most mocked man in the world.”

We must remind ourselves daily that our fellow citizens brought this disaster raining down upon us. As a lifelong educator, I’m convinced one root of the problem lies in our education system’s emphasis on learning job skills to the exclusion of learning critical thinking skills. That has to change. But first, there’s Betsy DeVos. It’s going to be a long, hard struggle.


As I’ve said before, there is one good result that has come from these last 19 weeks of having a toddler in the White House: it has forced the rest of us to become adults. More people are reading the news, joining political groups, speaking out, participating in protests, and in general being politically active and involved than I have seen in my lifetime. Like the alcoholics’ children, we’ve been forced to take on more responsibility for the maintenance of our household than has been common in the recent past. Long after the Orange Menace has been removed from the White House, we need to retain the vigilance this experience has taught us; we need to remain active and involved and above all alert, to ensure that such a national disgrace never occurs again. “Of the people, by the people, for the people” means it’s on us; it’s our responsibility. Kudos to the parents who are involving their young people in the resistance movement; those children will grow into adults who carry the spirit of responsibility to the next generation, so that our work will last beyond our own lives. We’re part of history. What we do matters. Let’s make it good!










Trump’s Top Ten Travesties, Week 18

Republican President George H. W. Bush challenged us to create “a kinder, gentler nation.” That was August 18, 1988, when Mr. Bush accepted his party’s nomination as their presidential candidate. Republicanism has changed a great deal in the 28 years between George H. W. Bush’s nomination and Donald Trump’s nomination. In the summer of 2016, we heard nothing about kindness and gentleness. We heard about Muslim bans, racism, sexual assault, ridicule of a Gold Star family, ridicule of a disabled reporter, both verbal and physical assaults on members of the press, and too many other unkind and ungentle acts to list here. Trump’s attitudes haven’t changed since he became “president,” and the spillover from those attitudes continues to show up in every area of our lives. This week, the GOP elected a man to represent the state of Montana in the House of Representatives the day after he physically assaulted a reporter. Andy Borowitz, whom I like to call the Jonathan Swift of the Internet, wrote, “Republican voters are electing people like Trump and Gianforte not in spite of their violent bullying but because of it.” I agree. What is happening to us as a culture? Was our perceived conquering of racism really just a veneer of civility that never took root in our hearts? Was this ugly hatred there the whole time, just waiting for a leader to come along who’d give us permission to unleash it again and make it socially acceptable? In a democracy, we can’t compartmentalize our leaders’ attitudes and our own attitudes. If this is a government of, by, and for the people, our leaders are US. We pick them according to the values of our own hearts and consciences, and some of the leaders we’ve picked recently paint a dark portrait of the American soul.

Here’s a look back at Week 18.

  1. DT has spent his 18th week in office far from the Swamp of Washington, D.C. He’s been making his first official international tour, proving he’s just as embarrassing on the world stage as he is here at home. In a video circulating the Internet, our beloved “president” is seen pushing his way through a group of heads of state who are lining up for a photo at NATO headquarters. Just before reaching his goal of being at the head of the pack, he roughly shoves aside Montenegro’s Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, then proceeds to the front row. When he reaches his destination, he stops, adjusts his suit coat, raises his chin, and preens like a proud peacock or the kid who just bullied his way to the front of the ice cream line. Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling was moved to tweet, “You tiny, tiny, tiny little man.” We couldn’t agree more, Ms. Rowling!
  2. DT’s “speech” at the NATO meeting was just as embarrassing as his manners. The New York Times account of the entire affair points out many disappointments. Although some had hoped this would be a fence-mending tour of Europe, it turned out to be anything but. The focus of DT’s speech was not, as had been hoped, an endorsement of NATO’s mutual defense pledge. Instead, he chose to “lash out at fellow members for what he called their ‘chronic underpayments’ to the alliance” (NYT). This performance led one blogger to describe DT as “a grumpy New York landlord demanding overdue rent.” And the proudest images for us back here at home are the video scans of his audience—other heads of state—snickering among themselves at the buffoon on the platform.
  3. One of the sadder duties of our chief executive is speaking on behalf of the nation in times of tragedy. This week’s unspeakable tragedy in Manchester, England, that claimed 22 lives, most of them lives that were just getting started, required our “president” to issue a statement. In contrast to the eloquent, heartfelt, uplifting expressions of condolence offered by President Obama at such times, DT—speaking from Jerusalem—made this statement: “I extend my deepest condolences to those so terribly injured in this terrorist attack and to the many killed and the families, so many families, of the victims. We stand in absolute solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom. So many young beautiful innocent people living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers in life. I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think that’s a great name. I will call them from now on losers because that’s what they are. They’re losers, and we’ll have more of them, but they’re losers, just remember that.” “Evil losers.” Betcha never heard a head of state use that term in a solemn public address before! Welcome to the new great-again America!
  4. Now that hatred and distrust of the press and tolerance for violence have been normalized, even an assault charge can’t keep a GOP candidate from being elected. On the eve of Montana’s special election to fill the state’s lone seat in the House of Representatives, GOP candidate Greg Gianforte was accused by Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs of body slamming Jacobs, breaking his glasses, and punching him, all the while shouting at Jacobs to “get the hell out of here!” While Jacobs was filing an assault charge with the police, nursing an injured elbow, and making a trip to the emergency room, Gianforte was being elected a U. S. Congressman. Congressman Gianforte was strongly endorsed by both DT Sr. and DT Jr.—no surprises there! For other news on this man, I can’t say it better than writer Morgan Guyton: “Greg Gianforte is not just an average right-wing thug. He’s a fundamentalist Christian activist who funded the creationist Dinosaur and Fossil Museum in Glendive, Montana . . . Gianforte is also on the board of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools. Greg Gianforte is what toxic Christianity looks like. It’s white nationalism wrapped in a tokenistic use of the Bible . . . This is what it’s always been about, even for the past four decades that it pretended to be about family values. Family values is about returning to the social order in the good old days when everyone knew their place.” And of course, that social hierarchy places white men at the top. Just making America great again!
  5. The Congressional Budget Office, CBO, released their report on the AHCA this week. You remember, that’s the bill which the GOP was so eager to pass that they just couldn’t wait until the CBO had finished its work. Well, that work is now finished, and none of the news is good. Just for starters, under the American Health Care Act, 23 million fewer Americans would have health insurance than now have it. The bill would also reduce the deficit by $119 billion, mostly attributable to cuts in Medicaid. Medicaid, which serves the lowest-income Americans, would suffer $834 billion in cuts, while repealing many of the ACA’s taxes would benefit the highest-income Americans. The fact that this plan actually sounds fair to many members of Congress as well as to many private citizens is graphic evidence of the sickness at the root of our collective conscience today. Other moral outrages included in the Trumpdon’tcare bill include ending protections for people with pre-existing conditions, reinstituting lifetime caps, allowing higher premiums for older Americans, defunding Planned Parenthood, and cutting Special Education (for children with special needs) funds for schools, and then using the savings to reward the wealthy and corporations with $600 billion in tax breaks. It’s downright criminal.
  6. Then came Thursday when we heard from the 4th S. Circuit Court of Appeals who heard the case on the injunction against DT’s second travel ban and voted 10-3 to uphold the district court’s ruling on the grounds—as stated in that ruling—that the ban violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. Chief Judge Roger Gregory wrote the majority opinion, from which this is an excerpt: The travel ban “’drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination,’ thereby violating ‘one of our most cherished founding principles—that government shall not establish any religious orthodoxy, or favor or disfavor one religion over another.’ While Gregory acknowledged that ‘Congress granted the President broad power to deny entry to aliens,’ he insisted that this power ‘cannot go unchecked when, as here, the President wields it through an executive edict that stands to cause irreparable harm to individuals across this nation’” (from The Slatest). “Drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination”—I certainly can’t add anything to that!
  7. If anyone has done a word count of the most-used terms in this week’s news, I’m betting the top three are “Russia,” “Jared Kushner,” and “Michael Flynn.” With the Trump-Russia investigation progressing on several fronts, much attention is being paid to son-in-law Jared Kushner. It was first announced that Kushner is now a person of interest to the FBI. Although no charges have been filed or formal accusations made, it’s no surprise to anyone that the FBI is scrutinizing Kushner because of his known meetings with Russian officials and his failure to disclose those meetings voluntarily. It’s important to note that the term “person of interest” is not part of legal jargon. The term was adopted by the media to label someone who is being watched or investigated but who is not yet the subject or target of an investigation.
  8. Shining even more light on Jared Kushner’s moral character, The New York Times reported this week that Kushner has not just one but two real estate empires: the high-end stuff we’ve always known about and also some “often decrepit low-income housing.” According to the Times, “His subordinates aggressively sue tenants for the smallest infractions despite ignoring maintenance needs, and they pursue judgments even when the tenant seems to have been in the right.” The article reports that since 2011, the Kushner family business has acquired “20,000 apartments in 34 complexes in Maryland, Ohio, and New Jersey.” Operating under the name JK2, Kushner’s company has filed hundreds of lawsuits against tenants and in one case garnished a home health worker’s wages and wiped out her bank account. This is the guy DT chose to place in charge of everything!
  9. The jaw-dropping Kushner news of the week broke on Friday when The Washington Post reported that during DT’s transition, Kushner and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak “discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports.” Michael Flynn also attended the meeting. Although the secret connection was never established, reports of Kushner’s efforts are by far the most damning news to date concerning his contacts with Russian officials. This report raises a multitude of questions, such as why legitimate communications with a foreign power would need to be so secretive, why normal communications channels could not be used, why he specifically asked to use Russian facilities, and why Kushner seems to have more familiarity with and trust in Russian officials than in his own government, along with many others. So far, the White House response to these questions is silence. They don’t want to talk about it. What they are doing is working feverishly to set up a defense strategy and a legal team to face what will be a long, ongoing investigation. I’m sure Mr. Kushner will have a spot or two in our Swamp Report for weeks and months to come.
  10. Week 18 ended with a powerful statement of the humiliation the United States now suffers in the eyes of the whole world. Writer Klaus Brinkbaumer delivers this devastating indictment in Der Spiegel: “Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees. He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.” Brinkbaumer recommends that“the international community [wake] up and [find] a way to circumvent the White House and free itself of its dependence on the US.” From the guardian of the world to the country no one can trust. Just makes you want to sit down and cry.

To quote another Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, also making an acceptance speech, this time for his party’s nomination to become a senator representing the State of Illinois: “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South.”

Substitute racism, hatred of the other, violence and bullying, and treasonous relationships for Lincoln’s references to slavery, and our task becomes clear. Our nation is deeply divided, and we want it to be united again; but it must be united for equality and justice, not for acceptance of hatred and violence. It’s going to be a long, hard battle, friends!


Trump’s Top Ten Travesties, Week 17

The “I” word has been on everyone’s lips this week. I began speaking of impeachment and the need to press for impeachment on the day after the election, as I was attempting to stop the flow of tears and figure out how we were going to get out of the train wreck that had just occurred and from which most of us were still in shock. At first, however, my mention of impeachment or starting a drum beat for it was met with cautious looks. We had to give Trump a chance, right? It was going to be bad, yes, but we couldn’t be certain how bad. We still had 2018; we’d just work really hard to change the balance of power by flipping Congress. This week, however, all of that has changed. The news has tumbled out non-stop, and every headline shouts for impeachment or at least suggests its possibility or desirability. Another word we’ve heard often this week is the “W” word, as the current situation is reminding more and more people of Watergate. Most analysts are saying this scandal will, in the end, far eclipse Watergate: Watergate is what some have called a “third-rate burglary,” though that probably understates its gravity. Russiagate, on the other hand, is a major intrusion of an adversarial foreign power into our government and the possible collusion of high-ranking American officials with that foreign adversary. Talk of treason, obstruction of justice, and questions of who knew what and when have dominated the Week 17 news cycle.

Let’s review the week’s chaos point by point.

  1. So, the guy who doesn’t need daily intelligence briefings because he’s “like, a smart person” has proved that razor-sharp intellect once again in his comments early this week on exercise. According to an article published last week in The New Yorker, “Other than golf, [Trump] considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.” This would be shocking from most other people, but since we’ve always been aware of Trump’s disdain for science, it’s not surprising. Anyone who can deny climate change can easily justify lazy exercise habits with lame “scientific” explanations. Taco bowls, double scoops of ice cream, and McDonald’s delicacies combined with little exercise—better hope that battery is the rechargeable type, Donald!
  2. This week’s first bombshell was dropped on Monday—starting the week with an explosion that will occupy the news cycle at least until the next Trump-inflicted disaster. The Washington Post reported that in last week’s ill-timed and shady Oval Office meeting when Trump jovially entertained the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister, Trump just happened to drop a little classified information given to our government by one of its allies; The New York Times describes the information as “highly classified intelligence.” The Post did not at first include details of the shared information, to avoid compounding the problem; but they later reported that the intelligence was received from Israel and involved an Islamic State plot to make bombs out of laptop computers, to be used on airplanes. Although it’s been emphasized that what 45 did was not illegal, legality is not the sole measure of one’s actions. Slavery, removal of native Americans, and internment of Japanese Americans were all legal; but they were not moral, humane, decent, or wise. Such careless revelations by our “president” endanger the safety of our country and compromise the trust of our allies. They also further diminish our confidence in and respect for the presidency. It’s already been reported that intelligence officials may have withheld sensitive information from the “president” because they don’t trust him to handle it appropriately. During the campaign, one of 45’s dominant themes was Hillary Clinton’s carelessness in handling classified information—emails!—yet he now seems oblivious as usual to his own hypocrisy. And just in case anyone harbors a small doubt that the Post report is accurate, wonder no more! On Tuesday morning, our brilliant leader announced that he did in fact share information with Russia and that he has an “absolute right” to do so. Well, I’m glad that’s settled.
  3. David Brooks published an excellent article in Monday’s New York Times: “When the World Is Led by a Child.” Brooks begins with the statement, “There are three tasks most mature adults have sort of figured out by the time they hit 25. Trump has mastered none of them.” He goes on to list those three tasks: sitting still, possessing “some internal criteria for measuring their own merits and demerits” rather than needing “perpetual outside approval,” and the ability to “perceive how others are thinking.” Brooks offers multiple examples to back up his assessment of Trump’s immaturity. Then he says this about 45’s sharing classified information with his Russian pals: “From all we know so far, Trump didn’t [share classified information with Russian visitors] because he is a Russian agent, or for any malevolent intent. He did it because he is sloppy, because he lacks all impulse control, and above all because he is a 7-year-old boy desperate for the approval of those he admires.” Who’d have thought we’d ever look longingly back on the George W. Bush era as “the good ole days” when our president was a mature, intelligent, well-read, well-spoken adult? Strange new world we’re in!
  4. As it turns out, we didn’t have to wait long for that “next Trump-inflicted disaster” I mentioned in #2. Tuesday afternoon, The New York Times reported that James Comey began shortly after 45’s inauguration to create a paper trail which would document certain events that made him uncomfortable because they smacked of interference in an active investigation, just in case such documentation were ever needed. And now it’s needed! The existence of Comey’s memos is not doubted among Justice Department personnel, who have been well aware of Comey’s habit of writing contemporaneous memos to record what he considered significant events. The memo whose contents were released on Tuesday revealed an incident which occurred the day after 45 fired Michael Flynn. According to Comey’s memo, 45 asked him to remain behind after an Oval Office meeting, while others were dismissed from the room. With only Trump and Comey left in the office, Trump told Comey, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” Jason Chaffetz awoke suddenly from his long stupor to demand that acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe turn over “all memoranda, notes, summaries, and recordings referring or relating to any communications between Comey and the President.” He gave McCabe a one-week deadline and declared his readiness to subpoena if necessary. He says this may be the proof he needs that 45 is guilty of obstructing justice. Wow! Ya think?
  5. In the most surreal, what-planet-are-we-living-on event of the week, Vladimir Putin offered on Wednesday morning to help out his pal and puppet, Donald, by providing American lawmakers “a record” of the Oval Office meeting between Trump and his other Russian pals Kislyak and Lavrov. Calling the furor over the reports that Trump gave these men classified information “political schizophrenia” and “a tempest in a teacup, whipped up for political reasons,” Putin said he’d be more than happy to put everyone’s mind at ease by turning over the “record,” which a Kremlin aide told reporters is a written account, not a recording. As you recall, we are at the mercy of Putin’s charity because our “president” did not allow American reporters to attend the meeting where they could have made their own record of the conversation. Putin finds the whole episode greatly amusing: just we stupid Americans dreaming up “nonsense and rubbish.” He may find the impeachment of his boy Donnie far less amusing.
  6. On Wednesday, the news came in a virtual avalanche. In the afternoon, we heard that our national embarrassment was on stage once again, this time presenting a graduation address to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy class of 2017. I’m sure those young people will look back on that day fondly, remembering the inspiring speech in which the “president” of their country whined to them about how badly he’s been treated. Not that I’d expect 45 to know such things, but graduation addresses are supposed to be about the graduates: words of wisdom and inspiration to motivate them as they embark on the life path for which they’ve prepared. Instead, in true Trump fashion, this speaker made the occasion all about himself. He whined, “’Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media. No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. You can’t let them get you down.’ Responding to their cheers, he commented: ‘I guess that’s why we won.’” Not only is this inappropriate for the occasion but it’s a double underscore of his extreme immaturity and mental illness. This is not the way normal, healthy people talk. Time to take out the trash at the White House!
  7. Later on Wednesday came the first good news of the week: The Department of Justice had just appointed Robert Mueller, former FBI Director, as special counsel to conduct an independent investigation on the Trump-Russia ties. YES!!! Finally, the day we’ve been waiting for has arrived! Even better news is that Mr. Mueller is well spoken of by people of all political persuasions. The New York Times, who broke the news, had only praise for Mr. Mueller: he has “an unblemished reputation”; “Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill . . . view him as one of the most credible law enforcement officials in the country”; “his ‘record, character, and trustworthiness have been lauded for decades by Republicans and Democrats alike” (quoting Ben Sasse); and Mr. Mueller has served under both Democratic and Republican presidents. Although the House and Senate committees will continue their investigations, Rod Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller offers the greatest hope and encouragement so far that we will eventually know the truth about Russian meddling and Trump’s cooperation with it and that justice will prevail. Interesting side note: no tweets from the tweeter-in-chief. I guess that would be because everyone remotely involved in or subject to subpoena in this case has been advised to “lawyer up,” beginning with you-know-who. Perhaps we finally have someone who can control 45’s twitter finger. Oops! I spoke too soon. The tweeter-in-chief was up and at his post early Thursday morning. In two tweets, he mentioned “illegal acts” committed by Hillary Clinton and President Obama, without offering evidence (I don’t think we even need to say this any more) which did not lead to the appointment of a special councel (his spelling). Then he added, “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!” Gee, Donald, could it be that it’s not a witch hunt and you’re just the single most ignorant, unfit, and corrupt politician in American history?
  8. Well, all of this Wednesday business was head-spinning enough; but there were a few hours left in the day, so the news wasn’t over yet. The evening brought the revelation of an audio tape recorded in June 2016—before WikiLeaks, before FBI investigation—of some key GOP pals giggling and snorting about Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin. The Washington Post’s Adam Entous reports House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Speaker Paul Ryan, and others were engaged in a private conversation when McCarthy said, “There’s … there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher [Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of CA, openly pro-Russian] and Trump. Swear to God.” The whole conversation was laced with much laughter and conviviality. After this statement, however, Ryan turned somewhat more serious, cautioning his colleagues, “This is an off the record. No leaks, all right? This is how we know we’re a real family here. What’s said in the family stays in the family.” McCarthy’s spokesman Matt Sparks denied the conversation, was informed there is audio evidence, then turned to the it-was-all-a-joke defense. Indeed, those who have heard the tape agree it’s possible that the group was just joking; but as Post writer Aaron Blake points out, “Even sarcasm is almost always laced with truth.” And two truths emerge from this conversation, even if it was in fact all in jest: (1) Talk of Trump’s ties with Russia were spoken of and laughed about privately well before any evidence was made public or any investigations were launched and well before he won the GOP nomination; (2) GOP leaders were so desperate to elect a Republican president that they were willing to sell their souls to the devil in order to make that happen. Controlling the government, repealing the work of the President they despised, Barack Obama, and further enriching the 2% meant more to them than protecting our national security. Remember that the next time you’re in a voting booth.
  9. On Thursday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein addressed the Senate in a closed-door session to brief them on the independent investigation and what they should expect. In interviews with reporters after the meeting, Senator Lindsey Graham said his takeaway from the briefing is that the investigation into Trump and his associates’ ties to Russia has evolved from a counterintelligence investigation to a criminal investigation. Trump has been advised to retain outside counsel, as have all of those who will be involved. So the good news of the week is that we now have a dedicated, professional investigator commissioned to untangle this whole mess and finally provide all—or hopefully at least most—of the facts on this troubling matter. The not-so-good news is that these things can take an enormous amount of time, and Trump will still be “president” during all of that time. Richard Nixon had the decency to resign; Donald Trump has no innate sense of decency. Tony Schwartz, The Art of the Deal ghostwriter, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper this week, Trump “lacks empathy, the ability to really connect with other people, self-awareness and above all, a conscience … there is no right and wrong – there is winning and losing.” Schwartz predicts Trump will resign, which would be a loss, but only after he has figured out a way to make that loss sound like a win, and he will declare his resignation a victory. I disagree. I believe he’ll show the same defiance he did when people called for his withdrawal from the campaign after the hot-mic tape; he vowed then that there was “zero chance” of his withdrawing. If Trump does stay in, he will increasingly assume a wounded animal stance, which will be dangerous for us all—unless someone can figure a way to change the nuclear codes.
  10. Meanwhile, the Embarrasser-in-Chief, along with his wife Melania, prepares to embark Friday on an 8-day foreign tour. His itinerary will include Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, Brussels, and Sicily. Although Trump and his staff hoped this trip would provide a desperately needed “reset,” the events of this week will cast a long shadow over his appearances in other countries. Chances of his being well received by other world leaders and citizens, of his staying on script and not saying stupid, damaging things to world audiences, and of his surviving 8 days outside the comfort of his homes—when it’s well known that he doesn’t like sleeping away from his own bed—leave much room for doubt about his chances of scoring the win he so greatly needs right now.


In a New York Times op-ed published on Wednesday, May 17, Nicholas Kristof wrote a parenthetical comment:

“An aside: Thank God for the battle unfolding between The Washington Post and The New York Times. This is the best kind of newspaper war, keeping America straight. I’ve been very critical of media coverage of the presidential campaign, but the rigorous coverage of Trump since he took office has made me proud to be a journalist. And thanks to all those citizens who have subscribed to news outlets in recent months, recognizing that subscriptions are the price for a democracy.”

Amen, Mr. Kristof! Trump has called the press “the enemy of the people.” NO, keeping the Fourth Estate strong, honest, and courageous is our only hope. Let the legitimate press know that you recognize the difference between their work and fake news/aka propaganda by subscribing and then reading regularly. Remember, it was the work of journalists that brought down Nixon. Let’s help them do the same for Trump.




Trump’s Top Ten Travesties, Week 16

As the swamp gets murkier and the atmosphere in our nation’s capital grows more sinister by the day, I was reminded this week of some stirring words written by Thomas Paine during another American crisis:

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. “

Paine has been called “a corsetmaker by trade, a journalist by profession, and a propagandist by inclination.” British by birth, he is credited with inspiring rebels in both the American and the French Revolutions. His pamphlets Common Sense and The American Crisis were profoundly influential in uniting the American colonists to declare independence from Great Britain.

The above quotation, one of my long-time favorites, is excerpted from The American Crisis, written in 1776. Paine doesn’t diminish the magnitude of the enemy we fight, but he affirms the possibility of victory through the exercise of the best human qualities: dedication, perseverance, and love of freedom and justice.

Tyranny has returned to America, this time from the inside; freedom and justice are threatened on every hand. This is no time for “summer soldiers” and “sunshine patriots.” The conflict ahead will be hard, but the triumph will be glorious.

Week 16: every day a new bombshell. Let’s recap.

  1. The week began on a strongly positive note when Sally Yates, new American heroine, won a standing ovation from her fellow citizens for her masterful testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism. She clearly and boldly spoke about what she knew, when she knew it, and when and how she informed the White House regarding Michael Flynn’s connections to Russia. Although many anticipated a no-surprises, anti-climactic testimony, in reality her testimony was anything but predictable and boring. It was, in fact, the first bombshell of the week. She told the committee of two in-person meetings which she initiated with White House Counsel Donald McGahn. She informed Mr. McGahn, in the presence of witnesses, that Flynn was lying to Mike Pence about his Russia contacts and that those lies placed him in a compromised position in which he could possibly be blackmailed by Russian authorities. Mr. McGahn’s response? Why is it any of the Department of Justice’s beeswax if one White House official lies to another? I see he has his boss’s capacity for intelligent thought.
  2. From heroism to treason, the rest of the Week 16 news cycle has been dominated by Trump’s Tuesday Massacre, his sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey, which Comey learned about the same way we did: by watching the news. Not only is 45 a soulless, unintelligent conman but he’s also a coward. Instead of doing the adult, presidential thing and facing Mr. Comey in person, Trump wrote a letter, which was hand delivered by his former personal bodyguard Keith Schiller to Comey’s office. Just one problem (one of many!): Comey wasn’t in his office. He was on the other side of the country, in Los Angeles, on FBI business. Among the many questions swirling about this bombshell is what the heck a former personal bodyguard is doing in the White House and why he is involved in official government business! CNN’s Michael D’Antonio reminds us: “Schiller’s last star turn involvedbullying newsman Jorge Ramos out of a Trump rally. Long a human security blanket for Trump, Schiller now hangs out at the White House. His appearance at FBI headquarters signaled that the buddies — Trump and Schiller — were in charge of this power play.” The strongman’s strongman. Scared yet?
  3. Next came the explanations. First, Trump’s staff cited a memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in which DT claimed Rosenstein recommended Comey’s firing and DT simply accepted the recommendation. The memo did mention Comey’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her term as Secretary of State but did not recommend firing Comey. Then reporters stated that this explanation was unraveling. Seriously? Was it ever raveled? Did anyone on the planet for a moment believe that Donald Trump—misanthropic, misogynistic, narcissistic, it’s-all-about-me Donald Trump—fired a high-level government official in defense of anyone else, let alone his political opponent? Especially when those actions are part of the reason DT is now in the White House? And especially when all of those things happened months ago? This pathetic excuse was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to gain Democrats’ support for the firing, assuming their anger at Comey for his role in defeating Clinton would make them glad to see him get his comeuppance. Then the clueless orange one was shocked when Democrats were mad at him for firing Comey. As writer Michael D’Antonio puts it, “Like a boy who plays with matches and sets the back yard on fire, Trump has been surprised by the effects of his actions.” Well, at least he’s consistent on one thing: he’s always clueless.
  4. Wednesday’s revision stated that Trump had been considering firing Comey for months and that the DOJ recommendation was simply the incentive he needed to go ahead with it. His staff said he received the recommendation from Rosenstein because he had requested it, and Trump himself told reporters he fired Comey “because he wasn’t doing a good job.” Another day, another reason! Thursday’s version was given by Trump to NBC’s Lester Holt: “Oh, I was going to fire, regardless of recommendation. He [Rod Rosenstein] made a recommendation, he’s highly respected — very good guy, very smart guy. And the Democrats like him, Republicans like him. He made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.” The rose garden should be especially beautiful this year with all of the fertilizer being produced in the White House!
  5. We should take note that between these last two revisions Rod Rosenstein reportedly pressed the White House Counsel to correct the misrepresentation of Rosenstein’s role in the firing; and according to some reports, he threatened to resign if a retraction was not made. It’s also worth noting that DT’s confession to Lester Holt was counterproductive to the efforts of DT’s staff to frame the most benign picture of the Comey firing. While they were each doing their best spins to make DT’s action look like something, anything, more than a childish fit of anger, Trump was as much as telling Holt that he did it in a childish fit of anger. As CNN’s Chris Cillizza puts it, “Trump imagines himself as the decider, the guy sitting in the boardroom and telling people ‘you’re fired!’ While the story of Rosenstein detailing the FBI’s issues with Comey in a memo to Trump and then Trump thoughtfully considering it before making a decision is clearly the best face to put on the situation, it doesn’t make the President central enough to the firing. Trump wants the credit. He wants everyone to know he had already made the decision to get rid of Comey before the Rosenstein memo. Because he’s the boss. He’s the guy who makes the calls. He doesn’t sit around and wait for memos from underlings.” Take that, Pence, Conway, Spicer, and Huckabee!
  6. By Friday morning, Trump was done trying to explain and tweeted his frustration in a pair of typical Trump doozies:

“As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy! . . .”

“. . . Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future ‘press briefings’ and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???”

Translation: “I’m such a busy guy, my staff and I can’t possibly keep our lies straight and consistent. So maybe if we just write it all out ahead of time, we can compare notes and do a more effective job of lying and misleading the American public and the world.”

Anyone still supporting this menace is complicit in our democracy’s decline.

  1. The words “most bizarre” have lost much of their meaning and impact in a time when every day’s headline happens to be the most bizarre thing anyone has ever heard, but this paragraph from Trump’s letter to Comey merits recognition as at least “one of the most bizarre” things we saw this week:

“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”

This paragraph would be bizarre under any circumstances; but in light of Comey’s recent public revelation that Trump IS, in fact, under investigation, we’re left to draw one of several conclusions: Trump is lying in this statement (shock!), Comey lied to the public, or Comey lied to Trump. Whichever option you choose, the statement is the biggest clue to the real reason James Comey is no longer FBI Director: Trump is angry over Comey’s investigation into Trump’s Russia ties and possible collusion with Russia. When you’re the prez and someone is getting uncomfortably close to an inconvenient truth about you, you can just fire the guy. Bingo! I think we have our explanation. That was easy.

  1. Included in Trump’s Friday-morning tweet storm, along with the threat to cancel news briefings, is this little gem: “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” Those conversations to which he alludes appear to have taken place during a dinner reported by the New York Times shortly after 45’s inauguration. According to the reports, during that dinner, “Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to pledge loyalty to him, which the F.B.I. Director refused to do.” According to other reports, Trump asked Comey whether Comey was investigating him (hence, the statement in the firing letter). Trump’s admission that he questioned the head of the FBI about an active investigation could score Trump an obstruction of justice charge, which would be good news, since that’s a sure ticket to impeachment. The fact is that for a supposedly innocent man, Trump is acting incredibly guilty. Just note the frequent use of descriptors like “agitated,” “angry,” “frustrated,” “furious,” and my personal favorite “spittle-flinging rage.” These hardly appear to be the actions of an innocent person. As my mom used to tell me, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”
  2. The day after he sacked our FBI Director, Trump held an Oval Office meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The American press was barred from the meeting, allowing only the official White House photographer to record the event on the American side. The Russian press, on the other hand, was permitted to attend; and our first images came from TASS, the official Russian news agency. Now the White House is reportedly “furious” over the Russians’ release of the photos showing a smiling, jovial Trump looking very much at home with his Russian pals. “They tricked us. That’s the problem with Russians—they lie.” whined a White House spokesperson. Although the White House is saying the meeting had already been scheduled before Comey’s firing, it takes a special kind of brazenness or stupidity to go ahead with it one day after firing the top cop investigating Trump’s ties with Russia and to invite Sergey Kislyak, the guy who’s been at the center of multiple reports regarding Trump’s team and Russia. But when Vladimir Putin is the one “requesting” the meeting, those who are beholden to him dare not refuse, eh?
  3. I’ll close with this summary statement written by Michael Gerson, an opinion writer for the Washington Post:

“Trump seems to take pleasure in throwing acid into the face of convention. In his calls to lock up his electoral opponent; in his wink and a nod toward violence at his rallies; in his groundless accusations of being spied upon by his predecessor; in his Twitter taunting of congressional leaders; in his bold and obvious lies; in his dehumanization of migrants and refugees. Grace, dignity, empathy, integrity and kindness are stripped away, leaving the emperor naked but incapable of shame. Trump is the spendthrift of our public character, squandering an inheritance he does not understand or value.”

And these are the ways in which our “president” continues to humiliate us in the eyes of the world, earning himself the titles “Man-Baby” and “Boy President.” Tweet on, Donald! Keep using infantile names like “Pocahontas,” “Lyin’ Ted,” “Crooked Hillary,” “Crying Chuck Schumer,” and all the others. Enjoy your childish games now. The walls are closing in, and you know it better than anyone else does. I still recall watching Richard Nixon wave goodbye as he boarded the helicopter which took him away from our capital. I look forward to watching you do the same!


Here’s another favorite quotation by Thomas Paine, also from The American Crisis:

“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”

If freedom and justice were common and cheap, we wouldn’t value and cherish them nearly so much. They’re neither common nor cheap; they’re rare and have been purchased at an immense price. The congress which issued Thomas Jefferson’s brilliant Declaration of Independence pledged their support of that declaration in the closing line: “We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” Let us not squander the celestial gift we’ve received from the thousands who have made good on that same pledge by placing their lives, their money, and their reputations in the common account to ensure the continuation of our democracy. There will be no rest until this battle is over.








Trump’s Top Ten Travesties, Week 15

A couple of weeks ago, Rachel Maddow spent a small segment of her show reviewing some early errors and misdeeds of the Trump administration, asking viewers to label each one “stupid” or “nefarious.” Although it’s impossible to overstate 45’s ignorance and incompetence, more and more, his actions must be seen as deliberately malicious; then again, almost three months into the train wreck that is this “presidency,” it ceases to matter what is clueless and what is evil, because the results are the same: the destruction of our way of life, families living in fear, and rising anger and hopelessness at every level of our society.

We live in an era of firsts, a time when “unprecedented” is a word included in every news article and broadcast. This week, we for the first time heard a “president” at an official Rose Garden ceremony utter the exclamation: “You know, coming from a different world and only being a politician for a short period of time, how am I doing? Am I doing ok? Hey, I’m the president, can you believe it?”  No, we can’t. Refusal to release his tax returns, nepotism in the White House, threatening to break up a circuit court, threatening to hold people’s health insurance hostage to pressure congress to fund his border wall, maintaining interest in his businesses while serving as “president,” violating the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause—the list is endless. These unprecedented actions signal clearly that 45 has no intention of playing by the rules; and we all stand to lose as a result, but those with the most to lose are his supporters. It’s a strange, strange world we’ve entered.

Here’s a recap of Week 15.

  1. Speaking of unprecedented, Trump’s 100-day love fest Saturday night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was like nothing anyone has ever seen before from a president. According to news reports, he once again “savaged” the media. David Gergen, astute political analyst and former presidential adviser, responded: “This was the most divisive speech I have ever heard from a sitting American president. Others may disagree about that. He played to his base and he treated his other listeners, the rest of the people who have been disturbed about him or opposed him, he treated them basically as, ‘I don’t give a damn what you think because you’re frankly like the enemy.’ I thought it was a deeply disturbing speech.” Well, so much for that “pivot” we kept hearing about! Fifteen weeks in, 45 still hasn’t caught on that he’s supposed to be the “president” of all Americans, not just the deluded ones who voted for him.
  2. Also this week, Trump made a new BFF: this time, Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte. After a “very friendly [telephone] conversation with Mr. Duterte,” Trump extended an invitation for Mr. D to visit the White House so that they can talk up close and personal about how “the Philippines is fighting very hard to rid its country of drugs.” Well, that part is true. According to an April 30 article by Mark Landler, “Mr. Duterte’s war on drugs has resulted in the deaths of several thousand people suspected of using or selling narcotics, as well as others who may have had no involvement with drugs.” Like all the others in 45’s gallery of most admired people, Duterte is a bloody strongman with no regard for morality or human rights. And 45 probably loves him even more for calling President Obama “a son of a whore.” Any enemy of Obama is a friend of Trump.
  3. In perhaps the most sickening story of the week, it’s reported that Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, told Judge Jeanine on Fox News: “I think evangelicals have found their dream president.” First off, shame on evangelicals! From now on, “evangelical Christian” is an oxymoron. But back to Trump, who is not a real Republican or conservative, we’re learning a lot about why he chose the Republican party as the vehicle for his rise to power. The marriage between the Republican Party and the evangelical community is a large part of the reason he is not held more accountable for his misdeeds. As long as he keeps disparaging Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood and appointing people who will work to carry out the evangelical agenda, he can grab all the crotches he likes and it won’t ruffle their saintly feathers one bit. Although 45’s approval rating continues to hover in the low 40s among the general population, he scores a whopping 78% among churchgoing white evangelicals, according to Pew Research Center.
  4. Proving once again that the depth of 45’s ignorance has not yet been measured, the New York Times reported these remarks which aired on Monday: “People don’t realize, the Civil War, if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?” He went on to comment on his hero President Andrew Jackson: “He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, ‘There’s no reason for this.’” Donald, I have no idea who these “people” are whom you refer to so often; but lots of people have been discussing the reasons for the Civil War for about 152 years now. And since Andrew Jackson died 16 years before the war started, he didn’t really have much of an opinion on it. And your 5th-grade history teacher is weeping in his/her grave right now.
  5. Poor Donald just can’t seem to find a secretary of the Army. On Friday, his second nominee, Mark E. Green, dropped out, saying his nomination was a distraction because of “false and misleading attacks against me.” The New York Times reports this statement from Mr. Green: “Tragically, my life of public service and my Christian beliefs have been mischaracterized and attacked by a few on the other side of the aisle for political gain.” According to the Huff Post, “He has also said he believes being transgender is a disease and said part of the reason he opposes allowing transgender people to use the restroom corresponding to their gender identity is because he has a mission to ‘crush evil.’” Yep, those “Christian” attitudes will get you in trouble every time!
  6. In a seeming contradiction to his own health-care agenda, on Thursday evening, 45 said this to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: “I shouldn’t say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia, because you have better health care than we do.” Oh, so this means you’re going to advocate for a government-run, universal insurance system like the one Australia has? I guess not. In response to those who saw the irony in Trump’s statement, he tweeted, “Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do—everybody does. But our healthcare will soon be great.” Mmmm, you may find some disagreement on that, Donald. Keep watching out your White House windows; something tells me another march is brewing.
  7. FBI Director James Comey made some public statements this week. He says he’s “mildly nauseous over the suggestions that he may have influenced the 2016 election.” MAY have? He felt morally compelled to speak out about his possession of some emails from Hillary Clinton’s aide’s ex-husband but not about the fact that the Republican candidate was under investigation for collusion with a foreign power. He invited us all, “Come back with me to October 28 and tell me what you would do.” Okay, thanks for asking. I’d keep quiet about the candidate’s aide’s ex-husband’s inconsequential emails and shout from the housetops that a candidate for President of the United States had for five months been under investigation for collusion with a foreign power. On a positive note, that investigation continues and according to some sources appears to be gaining momentum, so we continue to hope that justice will eventually prevail.
  8. For those who may have thought Steve Bannon had lost power and influence, I wouldn’t count him out just yet. A photo released this week shows Bannon standing in front of his much-reported but never before publicly seen whiteboards. The Guardian reports: “In a recent piece to mark Trump’s first 100 days in office,CNN described how ‘giant whiteboards’ had been arranged in Bannon’s West Wing office, ‘lined up in four columns beneath the campaign theme: Make. America. Great. Again.’ Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and a sofa had been removed to make way for them, because who needs to sit and read and reflect when you’ve got policies such as ‘suspend Syrian refugee program’ and ‘repeal and replace Obamacare’ to be getting on with?” Among other items spotted on Bannon’s to-do list are “cancel federal funding for sanctuary cities, . . . cut corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, and build that wall.” No wonder he hasn’t had time for public appearances.
  9. The most devastating news of the week happened on Thursday afternoon, when the House of Representatives finally mustered the votes to make Paul Ryan’s fondest dreams come true and—by the very slimmest of margins—passed their bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. They needed 216 votes; they got 217, including zero votes from Democrats. This horrible bill, which most House members didn’t even bother to read, if passed, would deprive 24 million people of the health care coverage they now have, raise premiums for millions more, and decimate coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. The bill balances Medicaid cuts for the poorest Americans with a $600 billion tax cut for the wealthiest. Seems fair, right? Trump gets his win; lots of other people die. Art of the deal!
  10. And then in another unprecedented move, the Republicans who voted for this atrocity zoomed right over to the White House to have a victory celebration with the prez. Never before in our history has there been such a celebration for passing a bill through one house of Congress. Such celebrations are normally reserved for the signing ceremony which takes place after the long process of passing the bill through the Senate, the committees, back to the House, etc., is complete. But Preznit Shortgloves, as one of my Facebook friends is fond of calling him, is so desperate for a win that he was ready to party hearty alongside Ryan who was sporting his best Cheshire Cat grin. Predictions are that the Senate will be able to tone down the premature enthusiasm when they begin their work on the bill. Their constituents will also help to put a damper on the partying mood now that Congress is in recess for the next 11 days. The protests and demonstrations have already begun, and the Indivisible website has posted a “die-in planning guide.” That sounds like fun!

I don’t need to tell you what’s number one on our agenda for the foreseeable future: we must do everything in our power to prevent the dismantling of our health care system. Floridians, Marco Rubio needs to hear from every single one of us. Daily. Every Republican senator needs to hear from his/her constituents early and often. Jimmy Kimmel’s heart-rending story of his infant son has touched hearts all over the world, and many of us have our own stories to tell.

My five-year-old granddaughter was diagnosed with cancer at age 2, went through treatment from age 2 to age 3, and has thankfully been in remission for three years. However, for our precious Kayla, cancer and all of the far-reaching side effects of her treatment will for her entire lifetime be pre-existing conditions. My son-in-law has excellent health insurance through his employer which has covered the enormous costs of Kayla’s treatment. If congress passes a law which reverses the mandate on pre-existing conditions, however, my son-in-law will not be able even to consider a career change for decades. And when our little girl does go out on her own, finding affordable health coverage will be next to impossible. This is our family’s story. Millions of families have stories that demand we fight this battle with everything we have.

Until next week, signing off from The Swamp.